Where is college football talk ???

You probably like 15 run beisbol games and 9 to 8 Soccer games too!

Kinda surprised FL jumped ahead of OR in first BCS.....at least BCS recognizes Ohio St is ineligible and did not rank them....
Pretty straightforward right now....if top three win out, Bama plays FL for SEC champs and the winner of that plays OR for Nat'l Champs....what could go wrong???

KSU might have a shot as well. Strength of schedule will hurt Oregon in the end. The PAC is weak and Arkansas St, Fresno St, and Tennessee Tech as a non conference schedule is pretty soft. KSU plays a much tougher conference schedule and beat Miami in non conference. I think is KSU runs the table they will play for the NC.

I see Tennessee has assumed thier position of SEC doormat with Kentucky in the East division with a solid 0-4 conference record. So much for the early top 25 ranking. The last 4 games are all winable especially Troy, and Kentucky.

Does it matter how many ranked teams you play if you lose all of them?

You predicted 7-5 for the "real UT". Do you really think they will be bowl elegible?

I don't, another year of watching everybody else play bowl games. Vols win 2 more and that's it. 5-7 and 3 of those wins will be against Georgia St, Akron, and Troy. Pretty weak for a program that once played top notch football in the SEC. Time for a coaching change.
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KSU might have a shot as well. Strength of schedule will hurt Oregon in the end. The PAC is weak and Arkansas St, Fresno St, and Tennessee Tech as a non conference schedule is pretty soft. KSU plays a much tougher conference schedule and beat Miami in non conference. I think is KSU runs the table they will play for the NC.

I see Tennessee has assumed thier position of SEC doormat with Kentucky in the East division with a solid 0-4 conference record. So much for the early top 25 ranking. The last 4 games are all winable especially Troy, and Kentucky.

Does it matter how many ranked teams you play if you lose all of them?

You predicted 7-5 for the "real UT". Do you really think they will be bowl elegible?

I don't, another year of watching everybody else play bowl games. Vols win 2 more and that's it. 5-7 and 3 of those wins will be against Georgia St, Akron, and Troy. Pretty weak for a program that once played top notch football in the SEC. Time for a coaching change.

Pac 12 weak??? really?? 3 teams in the top 10 and 4 in the top 20 is weak? Im not saying that they cant be jumped but the pac 12 isnt weak. Wouldnt the Big 12 be weaker if you compare rankings? I would think only 1 conference would be tougher and that is the SEC. Just my opinion tho.
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KSU jumped Oregon this week in the BCS standings. Notre Dame is close to jumping Oregon as well. That is the sign of a weak schedule when you win and still get passed.


PAC is 3rd or 4th depending on what poll you use. Big 12 is 1 or 2 depending on what poll you use. PAC lost 10 non conference games agains FBS opponents, Big 12 only lost 3.

ESPN Stats & Info Week 13 Conference Power Rankings
Overall Conference AP Rank Computers Rank Overall Rating Rtg Change
1 SEC 1 2 96.5 -0.6
2 Big 12 2 1 90.8 -1.5
3 Pac-12 3 4 75.6 3.6
4 Big Ten 4 3 68.3 -0.7
5 MWC 5 7 53.8 2.1
6 ACC 6 5 48.4 -7.6
7 C-USA 7 8 32.2 0.4
8 Big East 8 6 27.8 2.7
9 MAC 10 9 13.9 -0.1
10 Sun Belt 9 10 13.8 -0.5
11 WAC 11 11 12.8 -0.3

just because they were jumped doesnt mean that they are weak? oregons stength of schedule hasnt been there yet, KSU has played their hardest part, it is no wonder that they have jumped them.... Oregon in time will have the chance to prove themselves and move back up....

all that said, has very very little to do with the pac being weak or strong.

so in your intelligent opinion, there are 2 strong conferences, and 9 weak or extremely weak???.... even with 3 pac 12 teams in the top 9?
just because they were jumped doesnt mean that they are weak? oregons stength of schedule hasnt been there yet, KSU has played their hardest part, it is no wonder that they have jumped them.... Oregon in time will have the chance to prove themselves and move back up....

all that said, has very very little to do with the pac being weak or strong.

so in your intelligent opinion, there are 2 strong conferences, and 9 weak or extremely weak???.... even with 3 pac 12 teams in the top 9?

If the schedule isn't weak they why did they get jumped?
It's not just me, it's the BCS rakings where KSU jumped Oregon.
Why do you think Oregon is #6 in the computer rakings?
It's not just me, it's ESPN that ranked the PAC as the #3 or #4 conference. That same ranking has the SEC first or second and the Big 12 first or second. That is why I think the SEC and Big 12 are the best 2 conferences. Not to mention thier non conference record which speaks for itself.

If you choose not to recognize the BCS rakings or ESPN conference strength rakings that's your business. Do a little research and argue with some facts instead of opinions and question marks.

If the schedule isn't weak they why did they get jumped?
It's not just me, it's the BCS rakings where KSU jumped Oregon.
Why do you think Oregon is #6 in the computer rakings?
It's not just me, it's ESPN that ranked the PAC as the #3 or #4 conference. That same ranking has the SEC first or second and the Big 12 first or second. That is why I think the SEC and Big 12 are the best 2 conferences. Not to mention thier non conference record which speaks for itself.

If you choose not to recognize the BCS rakings or ESPN conference strength rakings that's your business. Do a little research and argue with some facts instead of opinions and question marks.


funny that you mention 'facts'.... the fact is, oregon has not played the tougher teams in the conference therefore, their strength of schedule so far has been pretty weak. KSU has played all the hard people on their schedule than thus far has had a strong strength of schedule. still all this talk about the BCS and Oregon being jumped still does not justify a weak conference.

Lets just say at the end of the season that Oregon is 4 in the BCS, its still NOT a weak conference. I also doubt that you could get anyone TODAY to say that the Big 10 is stronger than the Pac. maybe preseason.... strong maybe.... that would put them 3rd. still id just like to know how even 3rd in all the conferences are weak?

Also if you want to talk about ESPN and what they think, most think Oregon should be number 2 but understand why it is the way it is today... Most people that know sports and follow them better than you and I think Oregon will play in the NCG.... this is all off my point tho about the whole conference. All im saying is that ... well, your wrong :)... the pac 12 is not "weak".

Are you a politician? ha.
funny that you mention 'facts'.... the fact is, oregon has not played the tougher teams in the conference therefore, their strength of schedule so far has been pretty weak. KSU has played all the hard people on their schedule than thus far has had a strong strength of schedule. still all this talk about the BCS and Oregon being jumped still does not justify a weak conference.

Lets just say at the end of the season that Oregon is 4 in the BCS, its still NOT a weak conference. I also doubt that you could get anyone TODAY to say that the Big 10 is stronger than the Pac. maybe preseason.... strong maybe.... that would put them 3rd. still id just like to know how even 3rd in all the conferences are weak?

Also if you want to talk about ESPN and what they think, most think Oregon should be number 2 but understand why it is the way it is today... Most people that know sports and follow them better than you and I think Oregon will play in the NCG.... this is all off my point tho about the whole conference. All im saying is that ... well, your wrong :)... the pac 12 is not "weak".

Are you a politician? ha.

Facts, have you used any at this point? Link?

You don't answer any questions becasue you know you are wrong.
Why did Oregon get passed by KSU?
Why does ESPN rank the PAC #3 or #4 out of 4 major conferneces if they are so strong?

If being 3rd out of the 4 major conferences is good to you then so be it. I say being 3rd out of 4 major conferences is weak. I you are beating your chest about being better than C-usa or the Big East that is pathetic. PAC is better than the Sun Belt, doesn't prove they are not weak. Comparing yourself to the B1G is not good. They are way down at this point. That is why the B1G and PAC have the Rose bowl and the SEC and Big 12 have the Champions bowl, even matchups.

Another Fact to prove the PAC is weak.
Colorado lost to $*)Q!#@$ Sacramento St. for gods sake.
What does that say about the PAC losing to a FCS Big Sky conference team?
Almost half, 5 out of the 12 teams in the PAC won't be bowl elegible. Washington, WSU, Utah, Colorado, Cal.
1 maybe 2 out of 10 teams in the Big 12 won't be bowl elegible. Kansas and Baylor
According to my math that makes the PAC weak with almost half the tems not even bowl elegible.
Remember UCLA as PAC south champs last year, then went to a bowl with a losing record. Weak
The list goes on and on but you don't care about facts. Just your own world where the PAC is strong and Boise St should be in the national chmpionship game every year.

Lets see some facts or a link to back up your points.

Politican? ha. That was pathetic as well.
its funny how upset you're getting. lol... i normally dont argue college football because it is a lot of opinion anyway. I guess we should agree to disagree as to what is weak. I dont need to post a link to anything because i really dont care what you think. Just go look at the polls and see what people say about the pac 12 that that is their actual job to follow CFB. you go look them up.

The pac 12 is not weak, but yes does have weak teams. when you find someone 'important' say that they are weak why dont you show me the link. like a sports analyst...

I did tell you tho why Oregon was passed by KSU. Im not going to re type it so you can go re-read it if you want, but all the other polls have Oregon as 2, the computer has them at 6 for the reasons that i typed before.

Yes, i was comparing them to all the conferences. I think youre changing your tune a little now... Im not sure you said anything about the major conferences.

one last thing.... was the BSU comment because im in boise? im definitely NOT on that bandwagon tho they did have a couple pretty good years. No that conference IS weak.

....and why are you showing me power rankings from 11/11...
look here the pac is 3rd in september http://www.cbssports.com/collegefoo...ll/20216905/conference-power-rankings-sept-18
and more recently passing the big 12 here http://www.cbssports.com/collegefoo...ence-power-rankings-oct-16-pac-12-on-the-rise
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ok, you got me. i did do some digging... here's what i got besides the links i posted above.

So the big 12 has 3 losses so far. 1 is the the pac 12 (Arizona). All the non-conference wins were against unranked opponents.

The pac 12 has beaten 3 ranked (at the time) opponents (OKST, BYU and Wisconson). they lost to 3 ranked opponents, Ohio State, LSU and Notre Dame, all top 10 teams, so 3 of the 10 losses were from top teams.

Basically what im saying is that your argument for win / loss between the two conferences doesnt hold water when 1 of the conferences (big 12) is playing all creme puffs. Plus the more recent conference ranking that i posted shows this. NOT THE ONE YOU POSTED FROM LAST YEAR. Yes there are other ones that say the Big 12 is 2 and the Pac is 3, but this just helps prove my point that they are close and the pac isnt weak.

...but dont get me wrong, i have respect for the big 12 and dont consider them weak. Just showing holes in your arguments.
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SUMBEECH, you insulted my Alma Mater (TennTech)....Dammitman, we scored!
We need to keep this arguement going! After all in a cuppla short years, it will all be resolved by NEW system!!! With same idiot pollsters who thought Arkansas and West Virginia were good teams......
in the spirit of good friendly unbiased, non-partisin discussion, I offer you my top teams:
Tie---Nortre Dame and Ohio St
ill agree (except TT, sorry). im not sold on Notre Dame yet. They are squeeking by on the past 2 games.. we'll see this week. they play OK dont they? if they beat them convincingly ill become a believer.
ill agree (except TT, sorry). im not sold on Notre Dame yet. They are squeeking by on the past 2 games.. we'll see this week. they play OK dont they? if they beat them convincingly ill become a believer.
I'm a big ND fan, just posting that so you know my bias. ;) They are better than they have been for a while and have beaten some pretty good teams, no matter the amount of squeaking. That said, I'm still not convinced they are the #5 best team in the country. However, they are undefeated and have played a pretty strong schedule, though I do recognize that many of those teams "appeared" better at the time they beat them (namely Michigan and Mich St) than they appear now. That's why the BCS formula ranks them as high as they do. I see them potentially ending the season with only 2 losses (@ OK and USC). I doubt too many programs would consider that a bad year. If they can squeak out a win from either of those 2 games they will be in a BCS game, though not the title game.

Their offense is far from impressive, but you do have to give them credit for their defense. Their front 7 is as tough as anyones and that unit has yet to allow a rushing touchdown! The old cliche is that defense wins championships, but I don't think that's the case for the Irish this year. I'm just hoping that this season is a sign of things to come and that they can string together a few good years.
I'm a big ND fan, just posting that so you know my bias. ;) They are better than they have been for a while and have beaten some pretty good teams, no matter the amount of squeaking. That said, I'm still not convinced they are the #5 best team in the country. However, they are undefeated and have played a pretty strong schedule, though I do recognize that many of those teams "appeared" better at the time they beat them (namely Michigan and Mich St) than they appear now. That's why the BCS formula ranks them as high as they do. I see them potentially ending the season with only 2 losses (@ OK and USC). I doubt too many programs would consider that a bad year. If they can squeak out a win from either of those 2 games they will be in a BCS game, though not the title game.

Their offense is far from impressive, but you do have to give them credit for their defense. Their front 7 is as tough as anyones and that unit has yet to allow a rushing touchdown! The old cliche is that defense wins championships, but I don't think that's the case for the Irish this year. I'm just hoping that this season is a sign of things to come and that they can string together a few good years.

They do have a good schedule, not as good as pre-season predicted as you said, but yes one if not the toughest. They may just be that good, the 3 games i watched tho just didnt make me say 'wow'. From what ive seen im just not convinced that they are a 5 at this time (doesnt mean they are "weak" lol, just dont think they are 5. Im sure they will make a BCS game and i agree whole heartedly that 2 losses with that schedule is a great season. So basically i think we agree on ND... Fair assumption?
Notra Dahm has, IMO, the broadest and most ardent fanbase in college football...sorta like SC's media base...only different.

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