
Well, I ain't the sharpest arrow in the quiver, but I can read.
Just to clarify, as an example see p. 51 Montana 2012 regs. HD 388 Tenmile Weapons Restriction Area: Aug 15 -Nov 25 mule deer, Aug 15 - Jan 31 antlerless white- tailed deer, Aug 15 -Nov 25 spike bull or antlerless elk. Weapons Restriction Area with ArchEquip, shotgun, traditional handgun, muzzleloader or crossbow only.
Note that Weapons Restriction Area season begins even earlier than the Archery Only Season for those species and continues throughout the Archery Only Season ... and beyond.
Straight Arrow, thanks for the information. It's clear they will not admit they are wrong but like you I can read as well. It's clear you are not afraid to stand up for what you believe is right, I appreciate the help.

SS, BD, Greenhorn, and others who call people names on this forum and pat eachother on the back for the use of durogotory terms for everything like crossbows, muzzleloaders, trail cams, muzzlebreaks, houd hunting, etc...
You guys act as if anybody who disagrees with your point of view is clueless and proceed to call them names like idiot, stupid, sissy, G^y, dumbass, etc.. Those were just in the last few days, I'm sure there are many more that are much worse.
Do you think throwing tantrums and name calling like little kids is really necessary on this forum?
It makes you look like a bunch of namecalling, homophobic, immature adults who act like children when you are behind a computer. Just becasue you are a "western hunter" or from MT doesn't make you better or smarter than anybody else from anywhere else even though you seem to think so.
This thread, bear hunting, and the muzzlebreak thread are perfect examples of what goes on every day after day on this forum and it's getting old. Calling people g^y, and all crossbows g^y, and all muzzleloaders g^y is not necessary just becasue you don't choose to hunt with one. Same with calling anybody who has a muzzlebreak a sissy or a dumbass in 1 pointers case when he brought up a good point (or in your opinion attacked you, see npd definition below). They are just different types of hunters than you and your friends and you need to learn to accept that those differences are ok and have a civil discussion with them if you choose instead of acting like a child and calling people durogotory names.
Spending all day typing belittleing comments to people on hunting forums who have a different style of hunting than you is a pathetic existence to say the least and actually a sign of bigger personal issues like insecurity and homophobia as well as narcissistic personality disorder and many others. It just isn't necessary or constructive in any way IMO.

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe that they're superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

If you spent half as much time communicating with your politicians and lawmakers about your opinions as you do belittleing people on this forum you might actually be able to accomplish something constructive with your time instead of showing off your personality problems to everyone on the internet.
"They are just different types of hunters than you and your friends and you need to learn to accept that those differences are ok and have a civil discussion with them if you choose instead of acting like a child and calling people durogotory names."

why are you wanting to take the fun out of this board?:eek:

calling people derogatory names is what makes it fun at times. and this ain't nuttin yet. wait til the end of summer when no one has hunted in a while. that's when it gets real fun.:D

oh yeah, we have mid term elections coming sooner than we'd like, also. the feathers fly then, too.
I possibly missed the sensitivity training class required for typing here. Oh well.
Holy smokes the internet is serious business.

We are in the middle of the Hunttalk PMS phase. Usually lasts 4 months unless some lucky sucker draws a tag and posts up more picts and a story. Happens every year. Spring bear/shed hunting usually pulls most out of the funk they are in.
We are in the middle of the Hunttalk PMS phase. Usually lasts 4 months unless some lucky sucker draws a tag and posts up more picts and a story. Happens every year. Spring bear/shed hunting usually pulls most out of the funk they are in.

Some Midol to reduce symptoms.

Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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