Yeti GOBOX Collection

CO vs WY


New member
Jul 22, 2014
Looking for a little advise here. My hunting partners and I are already anxiously awaiting elk season next year. Yes, we're that excited 9 months out. We have been researching and feel really good about heading to CO. To the point we have spots picked out and have already called biologist's, dnr, etc. We did start collecting points in WY last year and are considering putting in for the random 25% draw in WY Unit 45 just to see if we get drawn and then apply for points in CO. Since the drawing results will be out for WY before we have to put in for CO we figured we don't have anything to lose. My question is does anyone have any thoughts/experience on Unit 45 in WY? Not looking for any honey holes or anything just the general outlook in that area. Just trying figure out if we should stick to our plan and go to CO or roll the dice in WY on the outside chance we get drawn. Thanks in advance. is the link to WGFD drawing odds. I'd start there before I picked a unit. Your plans aren't very compatible with that unit. You'll be about 3% odds for either the archery hunt or the rifle hunt in 45. I'm betting the 8 points it took to draw this year (to be guaranteed) will take ALOT more than that by the time you get them built up.
You could hunt Colorado while you built Wyoming points or Hunt Wyoming general unit with your point total.
Doesn't matter as long as you're finally hunting elk! Good Luck.
ihuntelk is right. Odds on 45 are really low for your point total. I'd look at a lower demand unit or general tag. Another option is to grab a cow tag in WY and hunt bulls in CO.

Guaranteed tags in CO, ID, or MT beats waiting forever to draw for most of us.
So much strategy involved in keeping up with the regs in each of these point states every year, it makes my head spin, I'm not sure how you guys do it.

I really think your best bet is to pick a state where you are guaranteed a bull tag every single year without having to put in for a draw. Then build points in those other states so that every once in a while you will get to hunt a premier unit. And in the mean time you will be learning great spots to hunt in your general unit and you won't need to rely on points to kill better and better bulls. Just my $0.02
What sort of bull are you looking to harvest...a mature bull of any size, representative bull, 6x6, over 350? Second question, what harvest odds are acceptable...almost 100% yearly or under 20% as is the case in most units for bull tags? Do you plan on a one time hunt or want to hunt the same area several times in order to learn more about the elk and habitat in that unit?

WY has general units you can draw every year or every other year if are a NR. If are a R then is OTC, I think for the same tag. If hire a guide, you can access wilderness areas as a NR where the hunting pressure may be less though R do not need a guide. Nor would you as a NR if you were there to fish, hike, bird watch, etc. Hunting is obviously a much different risk class where you need a guide as a NR or, perhaps, is welfare for guides but enough about states rights for now.

CO has OTC elk plus some units that a NR can draw every year or other year. Can be difficult to harvest a bull on public land, though, with the easier to get tags.

MT has recently had leftover elk tags for NR.

If was me and I wanted to hunt elk most years then I would look for the ability to hunt the same area each time. MT offers some very long seasons for elk so that would tip the scales for me over CO or WY.
I think from his post he knows his odds arn't good but if they got lucky on the random portion of the draw for that unit. It is worth a shot to get lucky and draw a random tag instead of just buying a pt. you can't win if you are not in!!! Like the op stated the fall back is a tag in Colorado.
Another variation on this theme is to find a limited draw unit where cow tags are easy to draw, then hunt cow elk for a while. This keeps the hunter numbers low, the odds up, and you get to know the unit. IMO it is more important to know the unit than to have the best unit.
St52v pretty much hit on what my thoughts were. Just weighing future options. I do appreciate the feeback though. Everyone's input is highly regarded. I love the respect and comradery that this website fosters. Thanks to Hunt Talk and all the contributors!!
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