Yeti GOBOX Collection

Wyoming Unit 21 Crowds ?


New member
Feb 18, 2014
how crowded can it be in Wyoming elk unit 21 for rifle season? Is it like Colorado unit 12 ,where there are an orange vest every 200 yards?
You will have a good time. Don't wait for a big bull, last 2 weeks of season is usually the best, don't be afraid to hunt all day, if the elk aren't talking, still hunt.
It always busy there.How many times are you going to ask the same question though???Rifle opens 2 weeks after archery closes.Did you get a D deer tag so you have something to do while you wait 2 weeks??
I hunt close but never had problems with pressure in rifle or archery
I will be there in the archery season. Looking forward to it. I don't know a lot about the area but am really excited to wear out some boots learning it!
Great threads - all these questions on crowds and animals in particular units out here and people wonder why there are not any left overs and crowded units when there were none? Ever here of a private message ?

Rooster - Imagine you will have the pros and the i dont knows - those working hard and doing heavy lifting : hunting,> while others sitting in trucks and on ATVs buzzing all over, watching.
May pick up a doe antelope tag or two .

Well with 2 weeks to kill, you'll have plenty of time to drive halfway across Wyoming where you can pick up those couple doe antelope tags.

BTW, there are no crowds where you'll pick up your doe antelope tags, they wont be skittish, and public lands abound.

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