So this is what the Elk Boys do in their spare time

Only Two on the boards have actually seen me in person now....HAHAHA!!!
Law Vegas!!!
!!!!Oh My Heck!!!
Now what kind of a statement was that...Oh yea. I forget this is the fisherwoosie club and I shouldn't expect any less...LOL!! :D
[snicker] Oh my heck. Golly gee... :D
Ahhhhhh..........Amberjack is coming out of his closet, I mean shell. Very good AJ, but I see your fellow Da Fag Boys do not have the nerver to stand up to us like you are only trying to do :D
Yeah I see that, pissin me off too. Well I might have to join up with the elk boys rank as I just put in for the draw on elk this year.
Yep AJ!!! you have to change the name to some thing appropriate with elk in it to make it work right and stay in form..As much as that is.....Then you can change sides and be one of the taunters..LOL...Let's see..What would be a good name for some one that does'nt get to or has gone looking for these whily critters...I will have to take a day or so to come up with some thing real cleaver...HAHAHAHA!!!!It has to be funny, but also not 'to' demening or he won't stay..LOL.. :D :D :D
I don't think he could handle it
Let's see....
Yellow elk....
:D :D :D :D