Caribou Gear Tarp

Should I bow hunt?


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
I was lucky enough to get the Highwood mtns rifle elk tag this year. Living nearby I will be able to scout extensively over the summer, and Ratfink tells me I should definitely take up bow hunting to maximize my chances. Problem is, I don't really care to learn bow hunting, and already miss bird hunting with my dog enough, let alone miss that much more time. The harvest stats on FwPs website show a large majority of elk taken with a firearm so I'm wondering how big a disadvantage not bow hunting will be.
If it was me I wouldn't take up bow hunting at this time. If you haven't in the past it might be a little late to start now. With today's bows it can be done, but use the archery season to scout.
I love bow hunting, that's my preferred method. Since it sounds like you really don't want to, I'd say don't and save the money, because it can get pricey. If you know someone that has a spare bow that fits you that you can mess around with maybe try that first before you spend the money, at least that will give a better idea if it's something you want to take up or not. But for me personally, nothing beats getting up close to an animal and taking it w/a bow.
It is no more of a disadvantage than you make it. The elk will move between summer and Rifle season, no doubt. If you find an archery hunter who is willing to give you info on where they saw game you might be at an advantage come opening day of rifle, but you can also spend a day before the season finding fresh sign to concentrate your efforts on productive areas.

If you are willing to use your hunting days to locate elk, then do that. If spending September days hunting birds with your dog is more rewarding then do that. It's your tag. No one else can tell you how to use it. Use the summer time to get to know the lay of the land and find good camp spots. Seeing elk is nice but not necessary.
I'm a relative newb to the bow hunting game, and I can tell you as a self "taught" bow hunter that the learning curve is extreeeeemly steep. To not have your heart in it and to just maximize your chances for only one season I say save your money and spend archery season scouting.

On the other hand, despite my lack of success with archery tackle, I have a lot more fun bow hunting than I do rifle hunting.
I think you answered the question yourself.....:cool:

I agree. Bow hunting IMO isnt something to take lightly either. You have to be dedicated and shoot all summer long. Once hunting season arrives you cant get discouraged when you cant get closer than a hundred yards to the elk. It takes a lot of time, practice and patience.
I concur with 2rocky, while bowhunting is a whole new style of hunting, if you are satisfied with your current hunting options there is no need to take it up. I love bowhunting as I get a bit of a longer overall hunting season, but it is a lot of work and extra time spent shooting. It is worth it if you are dedicated to it.
I haven't been bow hunting long or spending that much time in the field during archery season. Hope that changes this fall, but I have taken some birds (grouse) each September with my bow :)
If it's just for this year, I wouldn't spend my time on it. If you're considering it for the rest of your hunting life, why not start now and be real honest with yourself as the summer goes about your readiness - maybe you won't be up to speed, but maybe you will.

I didn't start shooting archery until after I turned 40 and I love it. It's different for sure, but I'm glad I did because I can shoot every day, whereas I'm looking at most of a day if I want to head to the range to shoot a rifle - just not going to happen real often for me. If you started right now, you'd need a pretty aggressive practice schedule to be ready for the archery hunt but it could be done. Plus, everyone is different and some are shooting great from day 1.
I'm thinking of getting in to bow hunting. I'm not quite ready yet, and from all my friends that are bowhunters, I understand the dedication. At this point, I'm not ready, especially just to do it for one season or one tag. I tag along with budds and do some calling. Can't deny the adrenaline. Take the advice of the guys that do it. mtmuley