Northern NY Adventures with Crossbowguy 2020

So the videos pretty much summed up dads hunt, second morning at 6:45 and dad dropped the hammer on a nice first Maine moose! Oh but there’s more!

So we get back into Jackman to weigh the moose, 680# with a 35 1/2 inch spread eight point bull! Everyone is stopping in to see and congratulate him on his moose and we find out one of the other guides scored with his client too! The client none other than Matt Light of the New England Patriots retired of course! So we go over to the meat shop and they are working on Matt’s 40 inch bull so he can head for home. Now mind you I’m a Bills fan so I despise the Patriots but I have to say Matt Light was cool as hell. He told us the story of his bull and the previous hunts he did in Newfoundland, then he congratulated dad on his bull and said his previous 3 bulls antlers wouldn’t add up to one eye guard on dads bull. He signed autographs and took pictures with fans. Super nice guy, other than him being a giant of a man you wouldn’t know he was anyone but an average joe.

I will post some more pics and videos shortly because this story isn’t even close to being done!

some more views!

Matt Light is in the green shirt and pants standing by the back of his truck with his bull hanging in the foreground from the game pole!

Our guides daughter J takes her bull the evening after dads hunt making it the third bull that Leah had called in that week! 42” 8 point bull weighing in at 720 lbs dressed! By the way she is 12 and that’s her third bull that’s she’s taken in her lifetime, way to go J!
So I have finally got some time to sit down and try to finish this amazing story and once in a lifetime adventure! I got to tag along with my dad and video his successful moose hunt, then got to help our guide’s daughter J get her moose out! Well I got to tag along with my guide on her moose hunt!

So Sunday evening we went to a spot that we found during one of our scouting trips a cut that went out onto this finger ridge with brooks on both sides, big break, rubs , trashing and even a wallow all in one spot! We wandered down until we came to the end and she made a couple of calls. It’s hard to hear in this spot with running water flowing so nearby but after a while my guide picked up on grunting coming our way and soon I could hear it too!!!! It was the deepest growling grunt I’ve ever heard about a 100 or so yards away in some thick stuff and he was coming! Limbs were breaking an he was grunting until at one point I could clearly hears him turn and the grunts got quieter then non existent as he moved off realizing our wind was blowing right at him. Our hearts sank but we knew we were good right back there the next morning!

The 30 mile ride back to town was full of excitement as we knew the next morning the morning thermals would be rising back up the ridge where we could approach in the morning! We got back to town and told her family and my dad about what we had heard, got cleaned up and washed our hunting gear for the next morning’s hunting.

I don’t think I slept much and when my alarm went off the next morning Leah and I were headed back to the spot from the night before. We started in flashlights in hand as we followed the marking tape we put up on our way out the night before. We arrived in our spot where we put out fresh moose in heat and bull moose piss that we had collected from the previous bulls and got set up. Leah made a few short calls and we waited. Our anticipation was through the roof as we listened for any sign of moose sounds over the roaring brooks nearby. After about a half an hour a cow came charging in looking for the cow trying to steal her bulls or as Leah would say acting real bitchy. After a 15 minute stare down she work her way off down the brook.

After some time and a couple series of calls we were sitting there as a bald eagle flew right over the top of us. Leah smiles and says that good luck! She was not kidding because about 10 minutes after we saw the eagle we were grabbing our packs and heading across the brook and up a ridge to where Leah though she had heard a bull up on top. We hadn’t walked more than 100 yards when a bull started grunting and close! We hustled down the ridge to get in position for calling and a possible shot. As we were moving I looked over my shoulder to see this massive set of antlers on top of a huge bull moving across the open bottom as we rounded the corner of the ridge. We got into position where Leah could rest her gun up against a small tree. I was thinking the bull was going to follow us around the corner of the ridge but he didn’t, he worked his way up on top of the ridge and was working his way down wind to try and catch our wind. Grunting with every step, I’m surprised the bull couldn’t hear our hearts beating, as if that wasn’t exciting enough his massive rack comes into view as he begins raking a 4-6 inch maple tree and bent it over breaking it like a toothpick! She whispered just a couple more steps when I heard the safety come off and the gun crack! The bull fell straight down! High fives and hugs followed by a hard charge up the ridge followed to find this monster at the top!0B1309F4-7F50-437D-AB6B-FA583498CE23.jpeg

Leah laughs as I say “ Leah WTF did we just do?” We couldn’t contain our excitement, I got to see my dad take his bull on video and now I got to see Leah take a top 5 bull she had ever taken. We put our shirts on the bull as we headed out to call in the Calvary. Over the next 3 hours we worked to get this bull out of the woods on a 1/4 mile plus drag.

My guide Leah Moore and her bull moose! She is an amazing guide, awesome hunter and one of the best people I’ve ever been around! My dad calls her his daughter for what she did for him and she is my moose hunting sister. I hope one day I can go back for my chance at one of these monsters. Dad and I can’t thank Leah and her family enough for an amazing trip!

Dad and I would also like to thank the Passamaquoddy Tribe for allowing us to be guests on their lands! Their game warden Joe and other members that we met were all great! Everyone was super friendly and helpful! It was awesome seeing Leah interact with her elders, stopping and giving everyone a big hug no matter how much of a hurry we were in. Their lands were clean and well managed! They are definitely doing habitat management right in Maine and on Tribal lands! I have never seen so many grouse in one place in my life. So from Dad and I a big thank you for an amazing adventure that I will remember always!!!

have seen a few deer so far this deer season but haven’t been hitting it too hard. I have only sat a handful of times and have only seen one spike buck which wouldn’t make a sandwich it was so small. I still have time but just not into it like I normally am! Hope everyone is safe and healthy and hope to check back in before thanksgiving with some nice head gear for you all!