New Mexico Pronghorn - ACT III

Awesome stalk and story to go along with the hunt Big Fin can't wait to hear more. Gets me in the mood. LOL
Great buck Randy. Your getting so proficient with the bow, I hope you don't quit the rifle hunts! Congratulations.
Awesome, congrats, the story was great. TY for taking the time to get it all posted and the pics.
Congrats on a good one. Season starts today in Idaho, I'm thinking I might be buying a decoy hat this morning.
Congrats guys! Definitely a well earned buck. Can't wait to see the footage.
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!1 Nice goat and reflections of the hunt.. You make us feel like were there in your hip pocket. I hope you guys find bryce that monster he's wanting.
Love the show but just found the forum this is great sitting in the work truck wishing I was out huntin. Congrats keep the stories comin.
gman welcome to the site!!!! You can go thru this site for endless days an hunt lol All Kinds of stories, information , ribbing, etc... ENJOY:hump:
Nice buck Randy! Sounds like an awesome stalk too.
Good luck Bugler!
Congrats on the buck. Keep posting success photos with that hat. I'm sure I'll eventually get to see Dinkshooter in one. :D

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