New Mexico Pronghorn - ACT III

Bugler is way tooooo picky. If he keeps passing and I have to do all stalks, I am gonna need a day to rrst. Not sure what he is waiting for, but I am more than glad to take what he walks away from.
Pull up to a waterhole where we set a blind yesterday. Saw no tracks, but it just looked too good not to set a blind on. We are now about a half mile away watching 14 does go in to water. Bad news is that when we first got here we watched a great buck come out of the tank. A buck even Bugler might shot. But, we agreed no water siting until day 3. Will check this every day and keep our fingers crossed. Smart money says we will be in that.blind by this time tomorrow. Movin on.
Bugler tells me he sees one he wants. He has about a half mile of belly crawl from here. I never did get a look at it, but if he says he wants to go after it, you know it is a good buck. They are out of sight so I have no idea what is going on.
The buck has fed out in front of me. Now I see why Bugler was in a hop. That is a big one. He and Kevin have emerged about 200 yards away. The buck just got up to move off a smaller buck. Now, if he will cooperate and give Bugler a chance to close the gap. It is hot and dry. Gotta be uncomfortable out there crawling around right now. A nice breeze here in the shade. Hopefully not so much breeze to mess with an arrow.
The buck is actualky moving closer, slowly investigating. Now, just how to hide the camera and tripod. We have Kevin decked out in a BeTheDecoy hat and shirt. One tall antelope while running a camera on a five foot tall tripod. They are going real slow and making amazing progress considering there is no cover to speak of. A few small rolls to the terrain, but that is it.
Damn, a different buck that I had not seen just came in and messed it up. Not sure where that buck came from, but he was watching from the side and seemed to get downwind of them. Will get the real lowdown when they get back here in about ten minutes.
Antelope 4, OYOA 0..... tried another stalk on a great buck. A little small on the prongs but made up for it in mass. I got within 90 yards they had enough. Getting closer....
Some of the great teams in history, have been behind in the game. But in the end they prevail and win
GO TEAM ONYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This guy tried to get an autograph from randy.


Only have about 30 min of shooting light left. Time to find a buck.
No stalks the rest of the evening. Came back washed up and going to bed. Tomorrow is a new day and if we are lucky we will gain just as many memories. Hunting season is here and I'm loving it. Good night hunttalkers.
Good luck guys, the play by play is great and the photos are awesome. keep up the good work and the good outlook.
Just another on your own adventure. Randy woke up three times during the night with multiple destinations of a gut bomb. I have a black eye from something with eight legs crawling on my face. I just hope when i punched myself that I got the sob.

It's all good though. We are up and driving to a different area of the unit. The area we hunted had a ton of pressure.
Does this guy look happy?