PEAX Equipment

Drawn for Wyoming unit 38 yaaaaay!!

Dam where the hell you get Lymes disease? I worry about this every year I turkey hunt in Wisconsin.

I bow hunted 38 in 2013 and got totally snowed out Sept. 24th. No way anybody was getting in there after that without a snowmobile. Not up on top anyways. Maybe on the low private land. The highway was even closed when I tried to leave.
2013 was really a freak year with that heavy snow so early that Zim is talking about. We had a lot all the way down to 4500', which is really unusual, especially that early. That's the storm that also shut down everything over in the Black Hills and killed thousands of cattle.

Lucky draw for sure. I've been a member of huntin fool for a few years. Last year I bought a unit 13 New Mexico elk tag from huntin fool after not drawing anything and freakin out. Huntin Fool landowner tag manager, Logan Hedges, gave me a list of past clients who've hunted that unit. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE I talked to was extremely helpful. Several even kept calling, checking on my hunt and offering up more advice.

I've hunted elk every year since I was 8 years old in 6 States(just turned 40!!). I've never hunted Wyoming though and it might as well be on the moon as far as my knowledge of the unit. Ive hunted New Mexico the most, and more often than not, I was able to pick and choose... Or at least pass on the dinks. This was all in national forests! If anyone needs info on New Mexico elk hunting...PM me.

I mentioned the hunting background to kinda show I've done this before and it's my life!! I know some don't like the whole landowner tag thing and I'll definitely agree with the negatives, but when you're starting at a calendar and times ticking, I'll do just about anything that'll put my butt where it belongs!!... Glassing across a canyon!!

I appreciate all the feedback... I know how lucky I am to have drawn this tag and I don't want summer to pass (like last year) not having done my research!

I'd rather do it myself than with a guide, but im kinda leaning towards getting a guide cause I'll probably never draw this tag again and scouting is not going to happen. It's just too far and I own a small construction company that takes up all my time(what's a weekend???!!!)

Anymore help or advice is greatly appreciated. Im not one who thinks I know it all and that I don't need help. As soon as you think this, you've just stopped learning and have become an a##hole:)

Has anyone here hunted unit 38?

Thanks again...this is a great site, full of good people!!
Heres the imfo youwanted;WFO or Wyomings Finest Outfitter.My buddy didn't have number offhand but said if you google it you will find them.He said the outfitter wont coddle you but the amount of elk and land to hunt is incredible
newbie here not to change subjects but my wife drew a tag in unit 39 rifle.
i could use any help or thoughts what so ever, prob wont be able to scout as its about 30hrs away :)
even though not familar with any of this going to try it diy and learn as my brother and i still have a handful of points, and guided takes some of the enjoyment out of it for us.
newbie here not to change subjects but my wife drew a tag in unit 39 rifle.
i could use any help or thoughts what so ever, prob wont be able to scout as its about 30hrs away :)
even though not familar with any of this going to try it diy and learn as my brother and i still have a handful of points, and guided takes some of the enjoyment out of it for us.

About the only access to get up into 39 where there are elk is up the east boundary on Sheep Mountain Road heading north up towards the Montana border. Word of Warning---If you're up in that country during rifle season, have plenty of good gear to weather out a storm and keep a close eye out for weather, as you can get stranded up in that country very easily and we're talking a matter of life and death if something severe hits and you're still up in there. It's about as much of an undesignated wilderness up in the northern half of that unit as I've seen anywhere out in the Horns.
how many points did your wife have?I wanted to put my son in for 39 but they took they type2 tag away that he had points to draw.He will still have a good hunt,but 39 would be better.Just wondering as my points build where I want to go
you should have a great hunt in unit 39
thanks topgun now i want to stay home lol.
this might be a ridiculous ques. but is there cell service out there? just thinking of smart phone for weather radar- and warning.

mixed she had 6pts
Drop camp/outifiter

Ross Adney who owns Beaver Trap Outfitters out of Dayton is someone that you should get in touch with. He is a first class guy and is very friendly, he could definatlely help you out with questions or even guide you if thats what you decide to do. He hunts the forest service, so for a dyi guy he has a great knowledge base. I am a long time Wyoming resident and Ross helped me get my biggest bull a couple of years back. His number is 307-461-0655 give him a call.

Thank you for taking the time. Anything you need just ask . thanks!!

Thank you for taking the time. Anything you need just ask . thanks!!
Hey Roosevelt, I know this thread is very old (2016), but I'm curious to know how your hunt went. Even today, the data shared in these forums is still very relevant. Like the 2013 snowstorm and planning for that type of weather during Type 1 Rifle.
@JAG i don’t think there’s much to be added. My dad and I had archery tags there last year. We hunted the 1-3, we left to avoid the labor circus. It snowed around a foot I think on Labor Day or right around that time. When we went back up for the 20-30 it was like night and day. A bunch of the elk had already moved off the mountain. It was tough but there were still elk to be had. As far as cell service I walked in to it a couple times but for sure at the north intersection of the hunt mountain road and the highway. Also something I don’t see mentioned much is the general deer season is the same time as the type one tag, and it’s pretty easy do draw for non residents. There was a ton of people archery hunting deer I couldn’t imagine what it would be like during rifle season.

seems like I rambled a bit there, we had an awesome time. Before last year I thought about getting the deer tag. After several scouting trips last summer then hunting in September I shit you not we saw more moose than 4 point mule deer. Edit to add, I’m sure there’s nice deer in there I just didn’t see any.
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