Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Diaphram calls


New member
Apr 29, 2016
I apologize in advance if this has been covered, which I'm positive I am not the first person with this question. I have used the search feature of the forum and could not get the answer I was looking for.

I would like to learn to use a diaphragm call. I can not to seem to get an animal sound to come out. Although I'm sure if be able to rustle up a sound dog with my progress so far. Lol My question is where can I learn actually how to make a cow call and bugle using a diaphragm call? Thanks for your help.
Put it on the roof of your mouth as far back as possible. Then press your tongue against it hard, then blow some air across the top of your tongue. Hard to explain, do you know someone who could be there next to you and show you?
The search function on this website is bad.....like AOL or Netscape bad!
No one That I know close by hunts elk much less knows how to call them. So I'm really handicapped when it comes to mimicking someone or them letting me know if I'm doing it right. I do know the sounds I'm making will not come close to mimicking an elk right now! I will try putting it far back in my mouth...
Thanks lv2hunt! I will give it a shot and figure this out. I duo have till next year but I want that time to practice.
Practice in the truck. It wont drive you family members (read wife if you have one) nuts. Ask me how I know!

Go to ElkNuts store and buy his materials. He has a CD that makes the sound and then you practice it. That is good, but what is great is he tells you what these sounds mean in the elk's world. His playbook is just plain awesome. Do NOT go archery elk hunting without reading it. No, I have no interest in his business, I have just used his stuff and there is a 6X6 on my wall because of his materials. It happened exactly like he laid it out. I think he posts here from time to time.
Checked out the you tube and wouldn't you know I got some decent sound coming out. Thank you gents. Now time to learn the different calls. Fun stuff
Yea the wife came in the door and was not impressed.haha but it will be a fun experience for sure. I will check out his store. Thanks for the help.
Texasgamehunter.....my spelling funin' was pointed at the original poster of the attached link...."dyaphragms". Nah wurys et al wit yor spelln (still trying to be a comic)
Those are very informative videos. Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you everyone for your help. Time to spend many hours practicing just like with the duck and goose calls. But that's part of the fun figuring all of this stuff out.

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