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Contemplating Something Crazy... Need Some Advise


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2016
2020 has been a heck of a year for my family. I lost my job as the sole provider for my family at the end of April. Tag deadlines came and went and I didn’t apply for anything due to being unemployed, no leads and no idea when I would find work again.

Thank God I’m back to work and feel quite blessed given the current situation of our country and economy.

now the crazy part....

I’m thinking about going to Colorado for an over the counter elk hunt. I’m WAY late to the game here as I haven’t done any research and have never been on a hunt in Colorado..... I don’t even know where to go other than the web and Colorado’s web page.

Am I nuts? Is it just too late for this this year?

Any advise/tips/suggestions anything would be helpful.
Definitely would be no regrets.

my thinking is am too late to the research game to have a chance at being successful? I know it’s called hunting and not getting 😁
2020 has been a heck of a year for my family. I lost my job as the sole provider for my family at the end of April. Tag deadlines came and went and I didn’t apply for anything due to being unemployed, no leads and no idea when I would find work again.

Thank God I’m back to work and feel quite blessed given the current situation of our country and economy.

now the crazy part....

I’m thinking about going to Colorado for an over the counter elk hunt. I’m WAY late to the game here as I haven’t done any research and have never been on a hunt in Colorado..... I don’t even know where to go other than the web and Colorado’s web page.

Am I nuts? Is it just too late for this this year?

Any advise/tips/suggestions anything would be helpful.
If you don't have to have the money, not a bad way to spend your time. Me personally, I'm hoarding cash because I'm nervous with the current situation so I didn't elect for out of state hunts (also didn't draw for my cow tag so that's a part of it too haha)

Do you have all the gear? Or are you going to running around trying to get everything? If you have all the gear that makes life way easier and less stressful
If you fill like you can do it financially and have the time go do it!!!! It will be worth it even if your not successful in filling a tag.
Definitely would be no regrets.

my thinking is am too late to the research game to have a chance at being successful? I know it’s called hunting and not getting 😁

Believe it or not the "research" only takes you so far. Your drive and willingness to nut up is going to be the deciding factor on whether or not you bring meat home or not. Enjoy your hunt 👍
If you don't go I'm 100 % sure you won't kill and elk.
Just go if you can afford the vacation and tags and travel it might turn out to be one of your best adventures. Lots of elk and lots of public don't over think things.
Do you have all the gear? Or are you going to running around trying to get everything? If you have all the gear that makes life way easier and less stressful
Collecting gear would be worse than researching units, IMO. If you can get yourself into the mountains and maintain a comfortable camp, and have the tools and know-how to get an elk out of the mountains, go for it. As others said, worst case you have a nice week in our mountains.

We deride CO OTC (for valid reasons a lot of times), but at the end of the day, the OTC units all hold a lot of elk.

Not to mention - the reissue tag list will continue to have tags added to it between now and then so there's a potential bonus, but I'd pick a unit and go.
If you were out of work and now recently working again, and your wife doesn't mind you taking a cross-country hunting trip you have a jewel there my friend.
If you have a unit in mind for mule deer in the future that also has an OTC elk hunt, you are also scouting for an LE tag. Total Win Win.

Shoot the first legal elk you are in range of and don't apologize.
Two questions at play here. Whether it's financially prudent for you to go is a question for you and your spouse. Don't ask here on Hunt Talk. You might not get the best advice.

Your question seemed to be whether there is still time to formulate a plan and give it a respectable effort. I would say absolutely there is. If you bought a tag tomorrow, you would already have caught up with most of the guys who drew a tag two months ago. E-scouting is important and all, but don't let it get in the way of hunting.

For what it's worth, I'll be watching the reissue list. If any of 6 deer tags pop up, I plan to snag one. Never been to that area. I looked up public land, success rates, points to draw, and verified that there would also be elk tags available. If I get one, I can figure the rest out.

Well, after lots of mental deliberation, I decided to hunt Ohio here near home this year and take my wife on a weekend getaway after the year this has been.
Ill post back if Ohio pans out to be decent. Planning to hit a new area that I’ve never hunted.
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