Yeti GOBOX Collection

Congrats, you've got the curse.....

It all comes together:

We meet my friend in the morning with high anticipation, I was extremely excited that my Dad was going to be with me. After all basically all season I had hunted by myself and to have him there made it we went out to a spot I hadn't been driving in something just felt right. Sipping coffee and waiting for the sun to come up we began a short walk to crest the ridge and look into where the elk had been. There they are, one look through the glass at the bull and I knew instantly this was him. This was my bull..... my buddy isn't so sure as he wants me to get a good one as well. So we debate it and I say we close the gap and assess the situation. So from about a mile off we move closer, we get to about 800 yards and pop out of the timber. Look at the bulls, its him, he's the one. My dad looks at me and says don't just shoot one just cause I am here. Then I get him on the glass, he confirms. Let's go...... we move in closer but run out of timber at about 400 yards. I setup, get solid, where's the bull? Can't see him, there are the other 3 where the F*** is he. For about 5 minutes I can't see him, then there he is feeding out of a little cut. I get steady on him get a second and third range I am calm...... safety off here we go. Are you ready? Yep....... I take one last look at dad and give him the nod......
I send the first shot, hit, second shot, hit, third shot hit. I reload, the other 3 bulls have no idea what's going on. My bull is clearly hit hard he cant move, leg locked he turns and stands with his rear facing directly at me. I wait, all the time I can't help but smile and look at my dad and my buddy. High-fiving but, paying attention to the wounded bull. There is no where to move without alerting the other bulls. I am ready with another round for when he turns........ finally he presents it. Boom, he drops. I stay on him, my dad hugs me and I hug him back I can't believe this just happend. everything comes together like this.

A couple pictures after the first 3 shots.....


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Walking up to him, I somehow text my wife and tell her bull down. She's in the process of dropping the kids off at school and tells me congrats. I walk up to the bull with my dad, it couldn't have gotten any better. Hugging him and saying we did it dad, it was truly special. It was like my entire elk hunting career flashed in front of my eyes and I had my best hunting buddy right there with me with my bull on my dream hunt. It was a culmination of a lifelong dream.

I'm shocked


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I send the first shot, hit, second shot, hit, third shot hit. I reload, the other 3 bulls have no idea what's going on. My bull is clearly hit hard he cant move, leg locked he turns and stands with his rear facing directly at me. I wait, all the time I can't help but smile and look at my dad and my buddy. High-fiving but, paying attention to the wounded bull. There is no where to move without alerting the other bulls. I am ready with another round for when he turns........ finally he presents it. Boom, he drops. I stay on him, my dad hugs me and I hug him back I can't believe this just happend. everything comes together like this.

A couple pictures after the first 3 shots.....
Love that picture thru your scope!
stud bull, congrats on the journey and having your dad and friend there at the end to be a part of it! Would not have been the same by your self.
Thanks for sharing and congratulations. Awesome bull. That's what it's all about right there
It was truly a magical experience, a season of ups and down. A season of tests and lessons, I am forever grateful for everyone that helped me out along the way. I am grateful for the new friendships formed, I have so many to thank from this site along with other met along the way. I do hope that everyone gets a chance to fill their dream trip in one way or another. Having my dad there though was hands down the greatest part, if it wasn't for him getting me into hunting and showing me things along the way none of this would've been possible.

Ill share a couple more pics, I hope you guys enjoyed it sorry it was a long winded son of a bitch but what are you really doing on a Friday in March?????
Here's a couple more.... thanks guys! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

BTW..... he did die in a 2 track rd too.... I forgot to share that😁


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