Congrats, you've got the curse.....

Looking like a dream feeling like a fantasy!
p.s. If any state would like to give me a dream tag and let me shoot one of those I promise to post it right before the application period to trick other poor bastages into ignoring the odds and entering there CC#.
Great bull, Better story.
I am happy it didn't end with "as the sun was setting on the last day I was really kicking may self for passing on a 320 bull early in the season".
It had crossed my mind a couple times. Or maybe when a guy is getting someone ready to shoot a bull and a mountain lion has to come and screw it all up....
It was truly a magical experience, a season of ups and down. A season of tests and lessons, I am forever grateful for everyone that helped me out along the way. I am grateful for the new friendships formed, I have so many to thank from this site along with other met along the way. I do hope that everyone gets a chance to fill their dream trip in one way or another. Having my dad there though was hands down the greatest part, if it wasn't for him getting me into hunting and showing me things along the way none of this would've been possible.

Ill share a couple more pics, I hope you guys enjoyed it sorry it was a long winded son of a bitch but what are you really doing on a Friday in March?????
Awesome hunt, and story from beginning to end! Really enjoyed the way you laid it out there. Helluva Trophy Bull and what a experience to share with your father!
Well written story and wonderful photos ! Thanks so much for sharing !! The icing on the cake was having your Dad with you for the final hunt. A much better read than "which cartridge is better" or any of the side railing political BS. Again, thanks so much for a real life hunting adventure !!! A breath of fresh air !!

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