Cancer SUCKS!!!


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Bozeman, MT
Well, a good friend here in town was just given pretty grim news by the docs. Our good friend Jim started having some strange headaches a couple weeks ago and then one day the left side of his body went numb so he decided he better go check it out.........little did he know the devastaing news that was coming. Turns out he had two tumors growing in his brain and although one was operable, the second was not. It was intertwined in his brain stem and no way could it be removed. Unfortunately, Fridays visit to the doctor confirmed for sure that it is terminal and that they will to the best they can to slow it down but to prepare for the end.

Jim has a 10 yr old who happens to be great friends with my 10 yr old, they are in the same grade. We have known Jim and his family for many years and what super people they are.

I made up a dinner and took it over to them tonight and had dinner with them and hung out for a while visiting. Pretty damn heart wrenching time for me tonight, last time I saw jim, just a few weeks ago, he was 100% fine. Been a rough night.

Just makes me sit back and think how fast life can change. We will continue to pray for Jim and his family and I hope that any of you other hunttalkers out there who have some extra praying room, will fit our friend Jim into them........

These are times when we should all feel really blessed to have good health and realize on days where we think we have it bad, someone else is out there holding on to the news that they may not live to see their kids next birthday............

Sorry for the rant, been a rough night for this guy;)
Plenty of room at our house to say some prayers for a family in that situation. Sorry to hear that bad news. Not sure what words would provide any comfort in a time like that.
I feel your pain Crit. Cancer effects everyone. It effects every family, and in some cases more than their fair share.

One can never give up hope.
Hey dude, sorry for the pain. Thoughts and prayers from my family to theirs. I'm fortunate to only have the scare of testicular cancer but not have it play out for real so I only have a glimpse at what they are going through.
Not trying to steal anybody's thread. I was diagnosed with cancer in Dec 2012. I have surgery this thursday. I am not afraid for myself but this has been hard for my wife and son (only 5). They caught my cancer very early and I am sure I will be fine. My prayers go out to to your friend and all those who have been forced to fight cancer.
Prayers to your friend, his family, and you and your family. Cancer is an indiscriminate bitch. I watched my boss's wife go from healthy to terminal in the span of 6 months. Very tough to watch.

Be strong, keep the faith, and rejoice in the Lord.
Matt, Sorry to hear this. Words aren't enough to ease the pain of watching a friend and his family suffer. I'll be praying for Jim and his family as well as you and your family tonight. May God grant you his peace during this time.
All to familiar story,prayers sent for your friend and his family, Matt.

Utah400 take care of yourself. May God heal your body and restore your strength.
Oh my. So sorry is all I can say. Will pray, I know how hard it can be. My good friend Gary was diagnosed with a brain tumor that turned out to be a blood clot. Thank God, I will be praying for Jim as I know how devastating this must be for family and you, also other friends. Again so sorry to hear this. So, So sorry.
A friend of mine recently passed away from the same thing. Reading your post was eerily familiar right down to our kids being friends.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Jim and his family. You are right, sure makes you think and puts things in perspective.

Utah400 hope everything goes well Thursday!
Tough stuff no natter how you look at it. One can't take their health for granted because it can change in an instant. Thoughts and prayers for Jim and his family as well as Utah400.
I'm pretty sure if you look back about 4 1/2 years I have a thread with the same title. Indeed it does suck. Prayers for your friend and his family and freinds. You too, Utah400elk
Matt, So sorry for what is happening, but your friend will find alot of comfort in knowing his son will have a stand up man to help his son in the future. Going through the same thing with my cousin who I grew up with. John
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