Should I start building points for MT?


New member
Jan 25, 2018
Ennis TX
I went on my first pronghorn hunt last year in NM. Harvested my goat within an hour and have been dreaming of the next hunt ever since. I started with points in WY last year. Should I add MT to the list this year also?

If you have the cash to "invest" and feel you are luckier than most NR then go for it. Otherwise, the ROI for a NR in MT is likely limited to drawing general unit hunts for elk and deer every year or two. Quality limited unit draws for elk and deer are much tougher for a NR to draw but to try you need to buy the general tag then if not successful in the limited draw you use the general tag or turn in the tag for a refund forfeiting 20%.

Pronghorn hunts are not near the quality of what you can draw in WY as a NR every 2 - 5 years.

The Big 3 and Bison are a very tough draw as well for a NR. The Big 3 square points for the draw. Bison does not use points.
Antelope yes.

Deer and Elk no.

You may be able to draw a rifle tag every couple of years and have a fun hunt. MT antelope hunting can be hit or miss though, one year there will be antelope everywhere, then the next year they are near impossible to find because a winter wiped them out.
You may wanna checkout the winter kill this year. They will be few and far between the next several years in Montana it sounds like.
Personally I would stick with Wyoming for lopes.
I see that you can just purchase bonus points now without applying for the draw. I would want to make MT apart of a 3-5 year plan. Does this seam reasonable? In units with plenty of public land to hunt?
Thanks to those who have replied.
I’m using MT as a every couple year plan. Will buy points again this year and put in for a hunt next year with 2 points. Then back to building points for Pronghorn and starting to think about a deer and/or elk hunt the year after.
There will be no shortage of unhappy antelope hunters in all of region 7 this year, and for a lot of years.
From everything I've seen and heard out east, they took a wallop from this last winter in region 7. Granted, anything that made it will have a good food supply to start the summer, but I'm thinking it'll be three to four years before you see the populations we've had the last two years. Along with that, I can only hope that FWP drops the total tags for 700 the next couple years, which if you're a non-resident, means those slim draw odds just became Kate Moss slim.

There are probably areas that still have plenty, so if you want to put in this year and start building points so you can draw later on, it wouldn't be a bad idea. Just accept the fact that you could draw this year or next year as well and have a tougher hunt for young goats.
So your saying the winter kill doesn't look as bad as everyone said a month or so ago? Or was it only in the region 7 area. Haven't heard any further comments since the thread a while back.

Maybe I should elaborate. They are doing fine in SW MT. Your original comment made it sound like the whole state got hit hard.
The region 7 biologists I've spoken to have been fairly optimistic on the pronghorn outlook

Do you have this/these persons names to share?

What were they optimistic about? That there are indeed a few remaining breeding pairs?

Or maybe optimistic that a few thousand licensed hunters will still come?
Maybe I should elaborate. They are doing fine in SW MT. Your original comment made it sound like the whole state got hit hard.

I guess fine is in the eye of the beholder. I have hunted antelope of and on in SW Montana for 35 years. The last 10 not even close to what it use to be. I gave up applying.
Region 6 posted a pretty glowing report on the deer and elk populations in that region I noticed. States there were some spots hit hard and localized kill.
Do you have this/these persons names to share?

What were they optimistic about? That there are indeed a few remaining breeding pairs?

Or maybe optimistic that a few thousand licensed hunters will still come?

Spoke to a woman out of Baker MT, and a guy out of Miles City, both said elevated winter kill but not as bad as expected
I guess fine is in the eye of the beholder. I have hunted antelope of and on in SW Montana for 35 years. The last 10 not even close to what it use to be. I gave up applying.

Maybe so. I got my buck last year and numbers look at least as good here. I may have missed the glory days.

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