New binos

Nothing I hate more than thieves. Sorry to hear that. Check out Vanguard HD If you can look through them. You’ll be surprised.
Naw it’s not the same quality of glass. I got mine new from for under 1000. But used would be just fine Probably $700 used
PM me, lets see what I can do. I sell Leupold and Meopta
Thanks for the offer. I think I'm going to look around and see what I want. I haven't looked through binos in 10 years since I bought my last ones. If I end up leaning towards any of the brands you sell you're definitely going to be hearing from me. Hope they lift our covid restrictions so I can actually go to a store.
I love my Swaro SLCs, but they might be tough to find used in that price range. The Meostars I’ve looked through were great, and so were the new model Zeiss conquests, both are in your price range new. My girlfriend has some previous generation Leica Trinovids that are very good as well.
Thanks for the offer. I think I'm going to look around and see what I want. I haven't looked through binos in 10 years since I bought my last ones. If I end up leaning towards any of the brands you sell you're definitely going to be hearing from me. Hope they lift our covid restrictions so I can actually go to a store.

what model were you using before they were swiped!
Get something different and go with Maven. You can customize them and they will send you a pair to try out.

I also like the new athlon midas. Great warranty.
I'm a big fan of the Vortex Razor HD glass with all of their products on lifetime warranty. Maybe I'm biased though as they are just down the road from me here in Wisconsin lol
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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