Wyoming Tag Soup


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
eastern Washington
I hunted Wyoming for the first time this year and while I brought home an un-notched deer tag it was a great hunt and this year's tag soup won't be bitter at all. In another thread I was lamenting that onion harvest was maybe going to keep me from making it to Wyoming at all, we pushed harvest until about 11:30 to midnight every night this year and finished just a few hours before the rain set in, onion harvest and rain don't go together at all. My brother and I drove to Wyoming and got there Wednesday afternoon, we hunted until Saturday evening and then had to head home. Saw far more antelope than deer; hunted in sun, wind, rain and snow; passed on several 3x3's and smaller; saw one I'd have love to have taken more than a picture of, but he was on private ground:( (that GPS with the Wyoming map was absolutely essential); tried to play BigFin and hit all the out of the way public land spots, even went miles into Colorado to public land that then let us come back to some otherwise land-locked Wyoming public ground (I'm really sold on those GPS maps); and we're already talking about the 'next time.' Here are some photos from the trip.


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Here are some more photos from Wyoming. Just a side note to any husbands out there with communication skills as bad as mine - keep your wife in the loop better than I did. When I was packing for Wyoming my wife knew I was going hunting somewhere but she had to go into town, I called her to see if she knew where some stuff I couldn't find was, she then asked where I was going and when I answered there was a pause and all she said was "Wyoming? Does this mean you finished onion harvest?" I just thought she knew harvest was over and that I was going on more than a quick day hunt nearby. So, now that I'm back I gotta come up with some plans for getting out of the dog house.:eek:

After seeing so many antelope I've got to get back to Wyoming and hunt antelope someday. Most every antelope buck we saw looked like a shooter to me, for those with more experience, are all these dinks or are some getting as good as they looked to me?


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Glad you got your crop in! Sounds like you and your brother had a good time. Its nice to get away for a few days. Throw that tag in a strong onion soup , ought to go down o.k. .
hey sounds like my first trip. and looks like you were close to where i was hunting. we left a day before the snow hit. and you are right about the gpshunting maps, they work great. im already thinking about next year. but have here first and montana next month. anyone know how the deer fared around seeley lake? have a hot spot there, i hope :). and some really great pic.
Nice pictures.

I'm not an antelope expert, but the 1st and 3rd bucks in the 2nd post look like shooters to me. The others could grow a bit.

I ate tag soup on my Wyoming elk tag this year. Pretty expensive soup for sure, but my buddy shot his best bull ever and he is 53 so I was very happy to be part of that.

There's always next year!
Great pictures! Glad you got your crops in. I have had alot of tag soup from Wyoming, but it must not taste too bad cause I keep going back for more.
hit all the out of the way public land spots, even went miles into Colorado to public land that then let us come back to some otherwise land-locked Wyoming public ground

I'm wondering if being in Colorado with a WY hunting licence and hunting gear could possibly be an interesting conversation with a Fish&Game guy from CO?
Really cool photos. Looking at them I could smell the sage, hear the quakies shaking and felt a little bite of cold on the end of my nose.

Your photo of antelope jumping over the fence went right by me the first time. I'm used to seeing antelope go under, deer and elk go over fences.
Many of the fences in the area are sheep fences, barb wire top with the square grid bottom, so they're tough to go under or through. I've seen antelope jump them before, but just got lucky catching that guy at the right time. Came across another animal that didn't quite clear the fence unfortunately.


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Great pics. Sorry about the tag soup, but at least you were able to get out there right. You still have that bull tag in WA right.
nbell, I still have the bull tag coming up, I start beet harvest Monday, but I've already told my brother that when that hunt starts beet harvest is his and I'm gone.

mx4, thanks for the comment, most of the time I use a Canon 7D, but some are from a point-n-shoot Canon, I like the DSLR's the most but kinda bulky carrying it all the time.
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Two of the bucks are above average, but not in the top end. That beeing said I've seen alot of tags filled on smaller ones than what you were taking pics of!
I have enough unpunched tags from past hunts to make Draftstud's Loozyanner gumbo but can't recall a single bad hunt.

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