Wyoming- Mule Deer Spike Camp with 1 point


New member
Nov 26, 2018
Looking for a suggestion of an outfitter that could set me up with a spike camp in a unit that can be drawn with 1 pref point in Wyoming? Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks.

Going for a spike camp as my efforts to find a unit that can be had with 1 antelope and 1 mule deer point (and hunt both in that unit) as proving somewhat fruitless thus far. Thanks
Are you referring to a drop camp, where someone packs you in to a pre-set location where they have a camp prepared for you, but don't guide?
Would be easier and cheaper to learn how to read the draw odds. Or pay for the services to help you with this.

Just decide which hunt is more important to you and look up which units you can draw, then cross that to the other species units and see which one of those you can draw as well.

For someone who is new to Western hunting there is no need to pay someone to pack you in. Better to start with day hunting as there is plenty of opportunity unless you just really enjoy that aspect.

Look on this list under preference points until you see a line with 1. Right between <1 and <2.
https://wgfd.wyo.gov/WGFD/media/content/PDF/Hunting/Drawing Odds/DRAW_DEER_PP_NONRES_2018.pdf

Limited units are first, then the general draw odds are at the bottom of the page.
For example you can draw region A-F, J, M-T, probably W, X, Y for Deer.
No need for a drop camp in most of Wyoming. All you need is a decent tent and a sleeping bag. Wake up by your vehicle, drink a cup of coffee, and start walking.
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