What is in your First Aid kit?

-A tossed together apothecary with Zyrtec, Aleve, anti-diarrhea, benadryl, etc.
- Asthma inhaler
- Lots of gauze and some tape. With large wounds you'll need a ton of gauze.
- Duct tape for blisters.
- Sutures if I'm really in the middle of nowhere, sterry strips if not.
- Bandaids if you want. I typically don't carry many because small cuts go un-bandaged.
- Sterile pin and scalpel blade.
- Tweezer

That's my light weight/backpacking setup and I take a lot more crap along in my car camping kit. The biggest deal in my opinion is having lots of sterile gauze. If someone has a big cut you're going to need it. Try to think of the biggest disaster sort of injuries and plan for those. Discomforts are secondary.

In my opinion, you could start off with buying a basic first aid kit that has some extra room in the bag/container and then add in whatever meds you want and a bunch of gauze. That typically will cover much of what you'll need.
-Hodge podge collection of Ibuprofen, Benedryl, Immodium, Claritin, plus a couple zofran and some left over Cipro etc.
-Roll of Leukotape
-super glue
-anti-biotic ointment
-alcohol swabs
-3 or 4 triangular bandages
One sterile bandage, ibuprofen, 2 antiseptic swabs, tape.
I can almost guarantee that not 1% of people are tough enough to suture themselves without anesthetics. I carried sutures until I tried them once and can say that blows. If you are interested in something like that, I carry a sterile disposable surgical stapler in my truck first aid kit.

In my pack, gauze, tape, OTC meds in single serve packs, iodine, alcohol pads, ace bandage.
You shluld consider hownit us going to bw used.

Booboo kit: small stuff to keep you going.

911: emergency if you can get to a hospjtal within X hours. X depends on your training, skills, and situation.

Instead of trying to take everything with you, be realistic in what you will be able to do.

Just some thoughts.
Gauze, tape, alcohol wipes, ibuprofen, antiseptic glue, butterfly bandages, antihistamine...and a .45 round in case that stuff won't fix it..;)
.......waiting for the quick clot debate.....

What's the debate on this ^^?

Crittergitters friend saved his life from a grizzly attack with this stuff according to the air medics that pulled him off the mountain. Just curious if there is something I'm missing?
Pressure Dressings (1-2) (Israeli bandage, OLEAS)
Tourniquet (2)- TK-4 or CAT
Compressed gauze or Kerlix rolls (2)
Celox combat gauze
14 Gauge or larger IV Catheter at least 3.25” long for needle decompressions.
Triangular bandages (2)
SAM splint (2)
ACE bandage, medium and large
folded duck tape
Steri-strips and benzoin
4x4 gauze pads
nasal trumpets for airway control
alcohol swabs, Benadryl, NSAID's
Assorted Band-Aids
Coaches tape, pre-wrap
pocket mask for mouth to mouth
Hyfin Vent chest seal

I think that's it?
I can almost guarantee that not 1% of people are tough enough to suture themselves without anesthetics. I carried sutures until I tried them once and can say that blows. If you are interested in something like that, I carry a sterile disposable surgical stapler in my truck first aid kit.

In my pack, gauze, tape, OTC meds in single serve packs, iodine, alcohol pads, ace bandage.

I've never had to try sutures before and I typically don't get cuts bad enough. I do know how to use them and can only imagine how bad it hurts. If I can't handle it, they're still pretty useful to have as a lance/emergency fishing hook, etc.
Hypodermic needles, Lidocaine, disposable sutures, disposable scalpels, gauze, Neosporin, bandaids and tape. Still waiting for my hunting partner to cut himself bad so I can practice.
...and a .45 round in case that stuff won't fix it..;)[/QUOTE]

That's funny!
I believe in the "less is more" idea when it comes to first aid. I find a little training and a little McGuyver-ism is really helpful. Band aids? Nope, I use electrical tape. Sutures!? Try super glue. If that's not good enough, then I'm probably gonna hike out. Antibiotic ointment. Yes, but not a tube. I put some in a straw and seal the ends with a lighter. Tourniquet? I have some 550 cord I can use. Leuko tape. Always, but not a full roll. Sterile gauze, yes but only a few pieces. If needed, I am not above cutting up some clothing and then packing that on top of the gauze if it's a real bleeder. Scalpels. I carry extra blades for my piranta (why I would need a scalpel though, I don't know). I do however carry a nice assortment of OTC pills for pain and stomach issues. That and 2 safety pins for popping blisters and some tweezers for splinters. My whole kit weights 3 ounces.

If you really look at what your most common injuries are gonna be and then look at how you would handle them without a first aid kit, you'll find you don't really need that much stuff. Btw, I used to be that guy that carried the full size, 2 pound kit and then also packed extras of everything. They say you pack your fears, and as i have gotten more training in first aid, my fears have really lessened.

If things get real bad, I have my InReach with SOS.
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