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Teacher Concealed Carry Law in Idaho

I do not know how I will react. There is no way to know until it actually happens. But I do know this, I would rather have the tool and the option. I might run liked a scared chicken, I don't know how I might react to a fire, but I train every year using a fire extinguisher and I have access all the time...

Just like you I have no problem with people carrying. Even in a school assuming they meet the requirements to do so legally.

I would argue that none of this is about preventing the situation, although there is data that suggest allowing concealed carry is a deterrent to crime. How you can measure its effectiveness is hard to say. But I believe there is overwhelming evidence that a gunman prefers a soft target. There is a reason why they pick certain locations. If you are unhinged and ready to commit a mass shooting... Which are you picking. A school where there are multiple SROs on campus or school with none or one? Are you picking a location where a concealed carrier can carry or a place where they are forbidden?

Until it happens no one knows how things will happen, who will react in what way. But I prefer the option to stand and resist over the hide in the corner...

It is interesting because starting this month, I will be instructing 4H kids 3 nights a week shooting. 22 pistol, 22 Rifle, Air Rifle and Air Pistol. I would venture that most here would celebrate that I am one of the 4H firearms instructors. That no only I am trusted to have a fire arm around kids, but I am trusted to have (up to 12) kids on a firing line and supervise and coach them But again somehow having a CC in school is bad.

FYI my kids district they have placed a biometric safe in each classroom and in each common area. The staff typically don't carry on their person except entering, exiting the facility and when they are on duty outside of their normal area. A few of the safes are visible, for example in the gym. But most are hid from students/public. Some are in offices, under desk, etc.

I can say this... When the district passed the ability to carry. 86% of the students surveyed supported the idea. 6% were opposed. 8% were not sure(this was the high school paper survey) so not exactly high end. I would be interested if today a few years later, if the numbers are the same?

I do know that the district I work in, the students I serve, they overwhelmingly support carry by staff. Often I hear that they wished they were like the neighboring district. Students trust teachers, they want the schools to protect them and they want to feel safe. In my community, rural WY they have no issue with staff carry given certain parameters.

I also agree that this is about personal choice, no one is forcing anyone to carry... It is just an option. There are some who cant stand the idea and just thinking about a gun makes them wierd. Then there are others who shoot regularly, who help coach...
Good thing, because Lander crime statistics are on par with Chicago. Wouldn't want to feel unsafe there without a glock.

I'd be more worried about getting hit in the head with a carabiner, strangled with a climbing rope, or getting hit by a tacoma or subaru crossing main street.
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Good thing, because Lander crime statistics are on par with Chicago. Wouldn't want to feel unsafe there without a glock.

I'd be more worried about getting hit in the head with a carabiner, strangled with a climbing rope, or getting hit by a tacoma or subaru crossing main street.
Sounds like your all nolsy, buzz ;)

Where'd you get lander crime stats are close to chicago?
Every state has concealed carry laws in public, the US has more shootings than any industrialized country.

There have been people carrying during shootings that did nothing, for instance there were people carrying at the Aurora theater shooting.

There is no evidence to support that concealed carry in any context is a deterrent.
Can you cite a source for people carrying during the aurora theater shooting? The theater was explicitly a "gun free zone" as far as any thing i had seen.
Good thing, because Lander crime statistics are on par with Chicago. Wouldn't want to feel unsafe there without a glock.

I'd be more worried about getting hit in the head with a carabiner, strangled with a climbing rope, or getting hit by a tacoma or subaru crossing main street.
Care to compare the crime stats for Riverton and the Reservation? I can see reservation lands from my back yard. Look at those crime stats and then tell me that crime is not a concern. Look at the Riverton stats... However what does that have to do with protecting schools from mass shootings? Would you agree that mass school shootings happen in areas with low overall violent crime? Columbine was not exactly a high crime area, Uvalde surely was not high crime gang land...
Can you cite a source for people carrying during the aurora theater shooting? The theater was explicitly a "gun free zone" as far as any thing i had seen.
I asked for the same. Anyone carrying in the theater was violating the state law. As the business clarly posted signs preventing fire arms. anyone carrying would have been violating the law.
Show me one mass school shooting that has occus-school-shootings/rred in a district where the staff have been armed?

With SROs
  • Robb Elementary School (2022)1
  • Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (2018)
  • Santa Fe High School (2018)2
  • Marshall County High School (2018)2
  • Great Mills High School (2018)2
  • Santana High School (2001)3
  • Columbine High School (1999)4
Accidental discharge by an armed teacher in a classroom.

Now as far as concealed carry teachers I couldn't find any with a quick google search, which to be honest isn't that suprising since as I demonstrated above there are 115,000 schools in the US and 350 shootings, so the chances of any school having a shooting are .3% per year. Even in Texas where this law has been around for a while there is very low participation.

There really isn't any definitive data. There have been numerous instances where unarmed staff have disarmed shooters, I linked to one in an early post.

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Care to compare the crime stats for Riverton and the Reservation? I can see reservation lands from my back yard. Look at those crime stats and then tell me that crime is not a concern. Look at the Riverton stats... However what does that have to do with protecting schools from mass shootings? Would you agree that mass school shootings happen in areas with low overall violent crime? Columbine was not exactly a high crime area, Uvalde surely was not high crime gang land...
Drive a tank to work with a glock in each pocket for all I care, but enough with the fear mongering BS.

Here's something to be more concerned about if you live in Wyoming, these guys are supposedly "highly trained":

There was no one carrying at the aurora theater.
You're correct, I was going off of memory and mis-remembered
I find it interesting that so many here are anti second amendment.

Do you believe that I have a right to self defense? DO you believe that you have a right to self defense?

Do you have a right to defend you life?
I find it interesting that when presented with the fact that guns are not an effective means of solving all problems folks resort to the 2nd-amendment dog whistle.

I have never said on any thread on this forum that I'm anti-2nd amendment or that I don't believe that American's have the right to own and carry firearms.


Repeatedly I have said that I'm fine with teachers carrying, I also have a carry permit myself, I just think it's ineffective and solves nothing.
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I find it interesting that so many here are anti second amendment.
I find it interesting, even more appalling that you would come to that conclusion. Either you are reading threads and posts I have missed, or you are misinterpreting statements.
I strongly contend that most on this forum strongly support the Second Amendment. I adamantly disagree with your conclusion!

As a citizen gun owner, shooter and hunter during and since childhood, wearer of US Army green for over thirty years, having pulled the trigger on everything from a 38 cal pistol to the main gun on the M1 Abrams, yet because you and I disagree on the efficacy of teachers carrying firearms in the school ... it seems you would label me as "anti second amendment."

Personally, that diminishes your argument to a great extent.
I don't doubt there are some areas that having armed teachers could stop a shooting. But the incident rate is so low its nothing but some feel good BS that does nothing to address the underlying issues. I am not saying I know the solutions but I do feel confident this law does little to help.

I heard a quote recently that I felt applies to this thread:

“Kids are jumping out the windows of burning buildings, falling to their deaths. And we think the problem is that they’re jumping.”

I don't doubt there are some areas that having armed teachers could stop a shooting. But the incident rate is so low its nothing but some feel good BS that does nothing to address the underlying issues. I am not saying I know the solutions but I do feel confident this law does little to help.

I heard a quote recently that I felt applies to this thread:

“Kids are jumping out the windows of burning buildings, falling to their deaths. And we think the problem is that they’re jumping.”

Soceital decay? Good luck legislating that.
Repeatedly I have said that I'm fine with teachers carrying, I also have a carry permit myself, I just think it's ineffective and solves nothing.
I have no issue at all with this opinion, because someone who thinks this way should still support the bill that started this whole thread, which simply gives school faculty the *option* to carry on school property if they want to. The teachers who would choose to do this likely carry their gun nearly everywhere else anyways. Why should their workplace be any different?

Where I start to take issue is when people start deciding that *they* get to be the final arbitor of who gets to carry and where, based solely on the fact that they don’t think it will “do any good”. At that point, they’re just following into the same moral busybody “for your own good” tyranny that’s creeping more and more into all of our everyday lives.

For those here that “support the 2A” but don’t support this bill: you don’t trust “untrained” civilians to be armed in schools, then how can you reasonably trust them to be armed in a mall or movie theater or other public places crawling with kids? Maybe you don’t support the 2A as much as you say you do?
I have no issue at all with this opinion, because someone who thinks this way should still support the bill that started this whole thread, which simply gives school faculty the *option* to carry on school property if they want to. The teachers who would choose to do this likely carry their gun nearly everywhere else anyways. Why should their workplace be any different?

Where I start to take issue is when people start deciding that *they* get to be the final arbitor of who gets to carry and where, based solely on the fact that they don’t think it will “do any good”. At that point, they’re just following into the same moral busybody “for your own good” tyranny that’s creeping more and more into all of our everyday lives.

For those here that “support the 2A” but don’t support this bill: you don’t trust “untrained” civilians to be armed in schools, then how can you reasonably trust them to be armed in a mall or movie theater or other public places crawling with kids? Maybe you don’t support the 2A as much as you say you do?

Cool story Bro. Let me know when you’re paying for someone to go to mall and be responsible for random people.
As apposed to being paid to teach children for 10 hours a day while toting a Glock or an Sig. Tell you what let’s send them all, janitors, custodians, support staff, bus drivers ect. A yearly tactical six week training coarse. Maybe AR on sling in front of the class. Let’s go full armed campus’s. 511 uniforms and all
I have no issue at all with this opinion, because someone who thinks this way should still support the bill that started this whole thread, which simply gives school faculty the *option* to carry on school property if they want to. The teachers who would choose to do this likely carry their gun nearly everywhere else anyways. Why should their workplace be any different?

Where I start to take issue is when people start deciding that *they* get to be the final arbitor of who gets to carry and where, based solely on the fact that they don’t think it will “do any good”. At that point, they’re just following into the same moral busybody “for your own good” tyranny that’s creeping more and more into all of our everyday lives.

For those here that “support the 2A” but don’t support this bill: you don’t trust “untrained” civilians to be armed in schools, then how can you reasonably trust them to be armed in a mall or movie theater or other public places crawling with kids? Maybe you don’t support the 2A as much as you say you do?
I hunt enough to see that I don't trust many people around a firearm. To the point that I don't know how well "hunters safety" is working.

Pretty sure there's a boatload of CC folks I wouldn't trust with a firearm.
You can be pro 2a, and pro firearm. And not resemble what today’s industry profiteers have sold as today’s gun culture.
So answer the question. Do you have a right to self defense? Do you have the right to have a fire arm?
Maybe you don’t support the 2A as much as you say you do?
Debating with opinions on the efficacy of teachers carrying in the school is one thing ... but a debate on "levels" of support of the Second Amendment is a circular ravel of rhetoric that would fall flailing into the abyss of meaninglessness!
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