NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Taxerdermist in Boise


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2005
Hey guys, I'm off to Argentina in about two months and I would like to bring a couple of ducks back to get them mounted. (Not exactly sure how I'm gonna care for em and stuff). I know some of you (Moosie) in Boise stuff everything you kill, so any leads to a good taxerdermist in Boise is appreciated. Anybody have any experience bringing game back from another country to have it mounted? Is custom a pain???

I use Bennett Taxidermy (Terry Bennett). He does some GREAT work. Not the cheapest but IMO by far one of the best. He has a show room you can go see his work and meet him. Great guy... No experience bringing game back from another country but I know Terry does ALOT of game from other countrys. You might want to talk with him and hear what he has to say about how to get it home. Good luck

I will plug my taxidermist Preston Evans With Wildthings Taxidermy. Drop me a line for his Info, I'll go over ther with you this week to look at them and talk to him.

Another great taxidermist is Mitch at Imperial. He just brought a display to our DHI Banquet and has great stuff.

Here are some of my bird mounts. Preston didn't do "ALL" of them (taxidermist trial and error ;) ) but the Water ones he did and the Goose ones. I took some Closeup work on Page 2. Click on the Picture and look at the detail. Hell come over this week and take a closer look.

Good luck on the hunt. Make sure you take lots of pictures.
I'll look up Bennett Taxerdermy in the book. Thanks!!

I'll drop you a line so we could meet over there. That would be awesome.

The VERY best bird guy in the state is Troy Rose, who owns Artistic Taxidermy. You can question the other two mentioned taxidermists if you don't believe me.
Wapiti No one will dispute Troy is good. (The word Best falls under interpretation ;) ) I've brought that up many a times Troy is dang good. Is he still on Chindon ? I can also give you several reasons not to use him, But this isn't a Taxidermist Bashing session. I know Troy puts out a Good product and I think he would also have to Admit my Taxidermist is good since he does work for Troy when he's busy ;)

Fowladdict, good luck on your hunt and Let us know if it was worth the money you spent. I'm guessing it shant be long till I venture down south for a Bird hunt.
Getting the birds back shouldn't be difficult but it could be expensive. Anatomical speciments have some different rules then trophies that have been thru a dip n pack. Customs, USFWS, Agriculture.
Getting thru customs is not a pain if everything (proper documentation) is done properly. PM me with phone nr. and I might could help you expedite the process.
Moosie said:
Wapiti No one will dispute Troy is good. (The word Best falls under interpretation ;) ) I've brought that up many a times Troy is dang good. Is he still on Chindon ? I can also give you several reasons not to use him, But this isn't a Taxidermist Bashing session. I know Troy puts out a Good product and I think he would also have to Admit my Taxidermist is good since he does work for Troy when he's busy ;)

Fowladdict, good luck on your hunt and Let us know if it was worth the money you spent. I'm guessing it shant be long till I venture down south for a Bird hunt.

Preston is doing "very" good work and can get it out quicker since he hasn't been around as long. Troy Isn't on Chinden anymore.Ustik& 5 mile. You can't give any reason not to use him because of Quality, he's got the National awards to prove how good he is. Preston is my buddy and I'd pimp him any time too! But if yer getting weird ass ducks from outta country,Troy is by far the best to get a kick ass mount.
Just because you get stuff back quick does not mean the guy is not good. I try to get all my stuff back to my customers in 6 months. Its called turning down work to make your customers happy.. I will never make my customers wait over a year.. If he is so good he could charge more and do less and not have to farm things out. I did allot of work for a guy that is a great taxidermist because he had to much.. How would you fell if you paid top dollar for a great taxidermist to do your work and he farmed it out to the guy down the street.......
I've seen a lot of Troy's work and can say that he is the best that I have seen. Great Work......
How would you fell if you paid top dollar for a great taxidermist to do your work and he farmed it out to the guy down the street.......

That was kind of my point.

I want t Re-iterate, I think Troys work is Top knotch. Jsut so thwere is no misunderstanding. I know you guys have your "favorite" and I have mine.

I just can't wait for the Pictures from the hunt to come in !!!!!!!!!!
That's why Troy has limited what he takes in, he got overwhelmed and had to bring guys into the shop to help, but still oversee what they did. I've been the only guy that has worked with him consistantly for the last 8 to 9 years.
That's why Troy has limited what he takes in,

Well thats good then !!!!

Fowladdict, Good hooking up with ya, We'll have to get together in the next couple weeks after we hear more of whats gonig on with the "other" stuff. Anyways, MAke sure you have a good camera and a Good videocam in Argentina. Althuogh this year is out, If you report that its 1/2 as good as I've heard it is... I might make a Trip next year.
Thanks Moosie for taking me over to see some of Prestons work. I was impressed. I wonder if I can bring him a monkey back from Argentina hump
You can let him know that I'd be happy to have him do a couple of birds for me when I get back.

Anyways just keep me updated with "other things"!