Ruined my third grader.

Mica Man

Well-known member
Jan 11, 2013
Mica Flats, Idaho
I had a Wednesday off from work a couple of weeks ago and figured it would be a great opportunity to do a little mid week steelhead fishing. The temps were to be in the 60's with lots of sunshine. I got permission from the wife to pull my boy out of school and take him along for his first trip. He was excited and asked all sorts of questions on the drive down of what to expect. It did not take long before he got his answer.
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His first steelie ever! Nice fish but it was sporting an extra tail feather and we turned it back.
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Batteling another one!
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One of mine.
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The kid got to land four fish for the trip and had a couple of long line releases. Not a bad first trip and I think he is now addicted. Little does he know it is not always this easy.:)
Very nice! He is ruined. I made quite a few trips in a lots worse weather to land fewer steelhead than that....
very nice! Im not sure about your son, but, that would have ruined me at my age now! Good on you for taking the time for your kids. :)
Great trip! Nice fish!
Kid addicted to fishin! You da man, dad!!!!

Can I go with next time????
That is awesome! That kid has caught more fish that I have in one trip than I have in three!!

Great job to you for getting him out there!
I'm jealous, your third grade son now has a more successful steelhead career than I do. Congrats on some quality time with your son, great looking fish too.
Wow you guys did great. Having grown up in Salmon I watched many a man fish the river and get skunked all day trying for steelhead. Steelhead fishing reminds me of how sheep hunting is for hunters. Once they try it they can't stop even if it is slow. Big congrats
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