Quail Opener

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
Quail and Chukar open this Saturday in California. For the last few years, I've been trying to find a place to go. A friend has 480 acres with a pond on it out by Anza, and on dove opener I saw at least 100 quail. I have the okay to hunt it, but now my buddy has to do traffic school and my brother has his kids this weekend - so it looks like I'll be hunting alone! :( Oh well, that way I can lie about how many I shoot or how many shots it took me to get that many! :D
The Gambels took a beating in my favorite area last weekend. It looks very good for the birds this year in AZ.
I'm heading out this morning to hunt some public land about an hour from my house. As soon as my son gets dressed we're out of here. Hopefully there still birds at my spot.
Well, we got into birds but my shooting was off. For the first few flushes, I always forget to pick out A bird, rather than shooting at the whole bunch. So I poked a lot of holes in the sky. But it was great exercise and fun, anyway.
When you said "WE" .. you ended up not alone ?

We should go to South America to shoot doves..... maybe to get a Little practice ? :D
Yeah, I had a couple buddies from the hunting club that I talked into going, just for the day.

I did see a very unwary bobcat, but it was 50 yards off and all I had was my shotgun with 7 1/2 shot. It sat around and looked at me for about 2 minutes!

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