Caribou Gear Tarp

Plan "B' Options


New member
Nov 21, 2011
My father, 17 yr old son and I have all struck out on tag drawings for elk hunting this fall. Any suggestions that don't involve me parting with $5k (or more) and still having a reasonable chance at seeing and possibly harvesting an elk?

We're considering a DIY trip to Colorado for an over the counter hunt.

Plan B options..

Consider looking into Idaho for over the counter tags.....good elk numbers and lots of land to hunt. Very rugged country though, but doable.
I live in Pittsburgh Pa.

Thank you for the suggestions.

I'm a novice as it relates to elk hunting, although I do have one under my belt...drew a Kentucky tag a few years back and had a successful diy hunt. Now I'm hooked!!
Couple options. Colorado has the best odds almost a third of all elk live in co. Montana will have left over tags and if you wait till aug or sept they will have returned tags. I know waiting wont give you alot of time to plan your hunt but its an option. Best odds id say colorado. You can do alot of resear h on this site, and by picking up the phone.good place to start is in the north near steamboat springs. Talk to fish and game out there.everyone is helpful. GO STEELERS! and good luck.
Hunters in Colorado take a lot of elk during the over-the-counter 2nd and 3rd rifle seasons every year. You still have some good options out there. A couple words of warning, though: The OTC seasons in CO get some pressure. You'll want to get away from roads if you seriously want to get into the elk. I always suggest that guys coming from out-of-state, at the very minimum, nail down someone who can remove meat from the field with horses. Colorado backcountry is very high. Killing an elk 4 miles from the nearest road is an awesome experience, but the work can be daunting when you figure that you have 300 lbs of meat and 4 miles back to the truck at elevations that are 2 miles above home.

Don't let that discourage you, though. CO has some great country to hunt. Find a place that holds elk that puts some distance between you and the bulk of the hunters. (There are options all over the western half of the state.) Then find an outfitter or someone with horses who can drop a camp for you or at least come get your elk should you harvest one. If you choose not to camp in the backcountry but instead at a Forest Service campground or a drive-able campsite, expect to put some boot leather down in the mornings.
SuzAlex ,sounds like good advise above. Don't get over whelmed ,planing a hunt should be half the fun. I would add that you should take the time to come up with a couple backup plans, some times things go wrong with plan A . I always try to have a couple options when going into a place i have never hunted before.Go hunt don't wait on LE tags there are some fun hunts to be had with over the counter and left over tags. Good luck.
Thanks for all the great ideas guys. Colorado and Idaho are on the tops of my list.

I ended up talking with my father and he's going to bail on my son and I in favor of another family obligation. That being said it opens up a world of opportunities for my 17 yr old son and I. We travel light and can still get after them.

Thanks again, this site is a phenominal resource.
Best of luck. You'll have a ball, and you're doing your son quite a service. Some of my fondest memories are of hunting elk with my dad as a teenager.
World class Roosevelt hunting in Oregon is all OTC except for a couple units and they are not the good ones anyhow. :) They are bigger and prettier than those other elk. ;)
Idaho is a great place, I know, I live here.... over the counter tags for just about all species, unfortunately the F&G need more money and you now have too apply for antelope for bow.... anyway, elk populations are pretty good in most units, there just running in small groups and don't talk much, but if you find some good dark timber and some trails or water you can get one... blind/treestand it.....