Nm 16e


New member
Aug 6, 2014
My son has an elk hunt in NM 16e this year, which has some interesting rules and terrain. Has anyone hunted this unit, and if so, would you mind sharing some general info on what to expect? I'm not asking for anyone's spot, but info on general areas to look at, places to camp (hard with the state land being off-limits), and where the majority of hunters will be. It is a unit with high success, but not your typical elk terrain.

Thanks for taking a look.
Which hunt did you get? My son has a tag there also November 28- December 2. I have been trying to get some info also. As far as I can tell from looking at maps, the southwest end of the Unit maybe? Hopefully some guys on here will give some good info.
I was not very specific - he has the Sept 10- 18 archery tag. I think he is leaning toward the southern part, but he was warned about some large outfitter groups that are sometimes less than hospitable. He will truly be on his own,as I have my own hunt in a unit 300 miles away.
You can camp on the Forest and BLM land, not State. There are a cpl short roads and one main road for access. You'll be walking a cpl miles to start hunting. It's open ceder country so decent glass will be a benefit. The Huntingmaps sd card or download would be a good investment. Put the sd card in a usb adapter then start basecamp and it will load the map for your pc scouting sessions.
Wapiti, thanks for the reply. My son is looking at Luera and Pelona. Do you hany any particular info on either or both areas?
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