Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

New to the west


Oct 30, 2010
las vegas, nv
All right first things first....never shot an elk but would love to. I'm originally from Texas and now live in Nevada. Didn't get lucky enough to draw tags for anything again and I miss hunting bad. A lot different here than Texas as far as hunting goes. Now it's been 2 years since I've put an animal on the ground.

I am looking for some good, credible information on Idaho, Utah, or Arizona. I know I can still go to Idaho and get an OTC bull tag or Utah (antlerless) but I have no idea where to go and don't know if I would have time for it this year as work is hectic right now.

I am not a hunter that likes to just shoot anything I see so I'm prepared to pass and maybe not take anything at all.

I'm thinking about my hunt for next year already so that should show whoever reads this that I am dedicated to MY sport of choice.
check out Colorado. I am a student at UNR and have given up on trying to draw here in Nevada so me and my buddies go to Colorado for their OTC Tags. Tons of success in the area north of Gunnison. Dont want to be too specific but anywhere around there is pretty reliable.

P.S. Talked to archery "pro" at Cabelas in Reno and he told me he finally drew a tag for the Elko Zone in NV after 17 years...i double checked to make sure he was referring to Elk not Sheep but he was definitely talking about Elk haha. He was the one that pointed me in the direction of CO.

Wow. 161 views an 1 response. Should have expected that from a hunting forum.

This one should be "on your own BRAGGING adventures" or maybe "Braggarts adventures on MY own".

You would think that hunters would want to help other hunters out. After all, you can't shoot the whole herd by yourself.

Someone had to point you in the right direction when you started, didn't they. i'm sure that you didn't just go to the woods, find a spot, and say this is it.

As I basically said in my original post, I'm willing to put the time in but just going to a state I know nothing about and hoping to find something somewhere is like getting a U.S. map out and throwing a dart at it.....how ridiculous
Colorado does have OTC bull tags but they are for the 2nd and 3rd seasons. I see on the DOW website (wildlife.state.co.us) that there are 23, 4th season cow tags left in unit 3. With the weather we have been having this could be a good bet!
Go to Idaho, find a mountain range, and go elk hunting... That is credible information.... There are lots of them in each range in Idaho...

Hunters often do like to help other hunters... but with your 2nd response...I doubt you'll get much...
I don't know anything about the states you asked about. I've only hunted Montana and Virginia, so I'm not going to be much help. However, there's plenty of people on here who do research from home and end up having a lot of success. Most states post harvest and population statistics for most huntable critters which should help you narrow it down a little more. Use the search function on this website and look for areas you're interested in and see if anyone has posted information on those spots in past.

Some advice for the future, do a little research on your own first and then ask for help. I think people are much more willing to provide some advice if they've seen you've done a little work on your own. Don't just show up, list three states, and ask someone to provide you with a unit to go hunt. I've gotten some great advice from some of the guys on here after I've narrowed down my search a little.
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Wow. 161 views an 1 response. Should have expected that from a hunting forum.

As a new comer to this site, I've found that you get a lot more responses if you are more specific. For instance if you were to say "I've done a little research and I was wondering what you guys think about the Lolo Zone in Idaho." You'd probably get a bunch of responses that said there are nothing but wolves there, and that in such and such zone you'd have better luck finding an elk.
Dang Tex, that's a mite harsh. :rolleyes:


For a Texan to call out a group of people as "braggarts"....... Definitely a pot/kettle type of proclamation.

Speaking of ignorant Texans, too bad the "Politics"forum is so dead, that Governor Rick Perry is going around making stupid statements. You kind of have to wonder how many years ago Texas ended their school systems.....
To bad sacks, I read your post and I went to get my gps to give you some lat-longs, but by the time I got back you had reposted like a jack@$$. Good luck with the dart thing.
So I try to help but no response! Guess I will be signing off Tex!!!!! But before I go, I am not a braggart, and I hunt because it is my passion. Because people like my son, my Father, my Brother and I were, and are ready to defend our rights as military Veterans of these United States! Because the Father of my Father taught us how to provide for our families. Sorry that you aren't getting what your looking for!
Not trying to stick up for him Slick, but it's only been three hours. Some people have real jobs that won't allow them to sit around on the site all day, like myself, and post whenever they want. Nothing on here is worth getting that riled up about. Furthermore, I think most people would rather read post similar to those provided by wingman, greenhorn, and ismith for a good laugh.
Agreed, as long as I get a good chuckle out of it. I'd love it if a dozen people came in a gave ole T.O a hard time. Unfortunately I'm not witty enough to come up with something of my own and must rely on everyone else for liven up my day.
You guys all suck and are selfish and I knew that coming here....

I am willing to do the work and put in the time but I need Exact locations and input.

I am serious about this hunting thing but..... I don't know if I have time.

Hey, how come no ones helping me ?!?!

You know Randy, you might want to redo the home page as the resources link is well hidden. Just a thought:)

Braggarts...hee hee hee. This is one of the funniest threads in a while.

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