NEW SITKA Ambient 75

New to the west

thanks for the giggle OrSack.

I used to be from Texas and moved west a long time ago. As a Texan I already understood the importance of building relationships/friendships when I got to Colorado as the key to moving toward to getting help, having friends to share hunts with, etc. You give Texans a bad name being all passive aggressive about it. Every year on the various hunt forums I participate in, there are a few guys who pop up, ask for all kinds of help and then lash out if the world did not stop for them. Then they disappear after blowing their stack. All that tells me is that they fail to see how things work in the real world and cannot be bothered to make adjustments when their assumption of what might work backfires. It is their loss since nobody loses sleep over the loss of a hot headed stranger.

Slow the &^%&%$$# down, soak up some of what Hunt Talk has to offer, participate, and take it from there. Or try other hunt sites if you really think what you said of the hunt talkers. The seasons and the hunt draw deadlines are pretty far away relatively speaking.

BTW the world full of guys who miss the heck out of hunting and yet never pull it together to plan a hunt and do it. Coming on here and saying you miss it means nothing. Serious hunters will simply question why you would just stop hunting. Moving is not an impediment to continued hunting if you really value it.

Be thoughtful about where you should do research, and yes it is YOURS to do, or not and is not all that hard to do. As another poster said, glean some ideas (try state wildlife folks, biologists and officers, and g the hunting draw/success stats many states put online) and build up from there. By the time you get that done you may have built some online and other relationships with hunters in the know who may respond to your queries.

The suggestion about checking out Eastman's magazine, was actually a good one for a guy who has no clue where to start. They highlight and rate hunt areas by species for each state. Better than nothing if starting out with a state hunt regs booklet and a delorme atlas is too daunting for you. Once you have gotten over the hump and done a few western hunts you will realize how silly your original request looks. Quite simply it is NOT THAT HARD to scope out a decent hunt and prep for it. Most of the great intel I have gotten from guys has been good for my psyche to give me confidence that I can do well, but that is about it. You just have to put your boots on the ground.

Good luck
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Maybe we should start a thread where we all list the GPS coordinates to our favorite elk hunting spots. Greenhorn, you wanna start it off?
Maybe we should start a thread where we all list the GPS coordinates to our favorite elk hunting spots. Greenhorn, you wanna start it off?

I sent a guy some GPS-compatible maps and it accidentally had 7 years worth of GPS points and tracks in with the maps. Oops! Fortunately the only spots he took liberties with were Dinkshooters shed-hunting spots!:D
You might not be able to shoot them all, but you could put a hell of a hurt on a herd with a hand grenade

More range with a rifle grenade or 40mm grenade. A hand grenade is the atlatl of grenade hunting, much more effective on fish. Id recommend a nice HE 40mm round out of a M79 for elk. :hump:
hell, let's go with heavy artillery... a 155MM would clear enough elk for all of us at one time and we wouldn't need to ask for GPS coordinates...just point to the bald spot on the side of the mountain
Meh, forget firepower or explosions... lets get 1,500 wolves and let em loose... put 'em on the ESA and ~ presto, that will crack the elk!

D'oh! :W: So much for trying to crack a funny...
Let's see...what should I say....I've done research Mdunc8....and Hornseeker...I wasn't expecting much after my 2nd post to tell you the truth. I forget who said something about the LOLO zone in Idaho. I guess if I wanted to be out there by myself, that would be a great zone...kinda like the Selway zone. I would probably be the only non-resident there. They had 190 bull tags OTC when I looked last and the Selway had 369. Too bad about the wolves though as they have dcecimated the population down to about 6,000 in these areas.

You see, I do my research.

I wasn't asking anyone for GPS coordinates or anything like that. Just general areas to either apply next year or get OTC tags for next year.

And to the person who said something about working....some of us do in fact have real jobs and that is what pays for hunting.

You know, it's funny...I posted the original message a week ago...funny how I got 30 responses to the 2nd post in less than a day.

And btw, I replied to the only responder graciously in a PM and told him if he wanted a good laugh,as I'm sitting here laughing myself, go back and check the post as I was sure to rile people up with the 2nd message.......
oh and I forgot to say why i said things about bragging and baggarts to the other responder....
I see all these pictures on the site...and believe me, I like them a lot...but almost all of the pictures say here is the one "I" got or here is the one from "MY" hunt....why don't you mention the BUDDY that helped YOU carry YOUR elk down the mountain and show a pic with him/her/them and you with the animal or say here is the elk WE got together.
I see all these pictures on the site...and believe me, I like them a lot...but almost all of the pictures say here is the one "I" got or here is the one from "MY" hunt....why don't you mention the BUDDY that helped YOU carry YOUR elk down the mountain and show a pic with him/her/them and you with the animal or say here is the elk WE got together.

Oh....Gawd....... Just we need around here, more "posse shots"......

If you are too scared to go out in the woods by your self, you might consider another activity than hunting.
oh and I forgot to say why i said things about bragging and baggarts to the other responder....
I see all these pictures on the site...and believe me, I like them a lot...but almost all of the pictures say here is the one "I" got or here is the one from "MY" hunt....why don't you mention the BUDDY that helped YOU carry YOUR elk down the mountain and show a pic with him/her/them and you with the animal or say here is the elk WE got together.

I don't think you've spent enough time around here...most every post shows pictures of those that were with them...Even Greenhorn shows the help he picked up at walmart. I'm sorry you came here looking for love and are not finding it...there are many other sites to help you with that.
I know I used "I" in my last deer thread I posted. I'm worried now that I used I too much and I might be looking like I am a Braggart .....

Although I found the buck (By Accident) and would like to say thanks for the compliment, I'm giving 100% credit where credit is due and thats to IDBugler. He made sure the deal was closed properly. Guys like him and Greenhorn and a few others that I've hunted with are truely 1 in a million hunters that guys like me will never become but are always learning from.

Dude, don't be scared of them thar units with Wolf's in them. They still hold elk. Although I would recomend putting in for Utah and Colorado and build up some points. Idaho Elk quality can't compare to other states. Good luck Amigo ............

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