Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Mounten Men TV Show

Thanks for the reviews guys...

Makes me not sorry we haven't hooked up the dish yet.
while I am not big fan of the show, the best part i have seen so far is when the dude in alaska with his wife, shoots the caribou and their little girl helps them to skin it and field dress the animal. while Mtn. Men is not a great show, Duck Dynasty is a hilarious show that is very entertaining. Jace Robertson is by far the best character on the show. makes me want to live in the south!
The really interesting part that I am surprised that no one noticed is the rifle the kid sighted in is not the same rifle that they showed Eustis shooting at the deer with.
Twenty minutes and i was done as well. C'mon man is all i could say. Even my wife thought it was a joke!!