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Montana Girls Buck (pics)


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
I looked forward to the Montana Hunting season because it would be the first time one of my kids was old enough to pack a gun and have a chance to shoot. All of them have been with me many times hunting but this was the first season I could help them kill game. One nice thing about Montana is that the state gives the first year hunters, who pass hunters safety, their licenses and deer tag free of charge to encourage kids to get out and hunt.

Here is the Huntress eating breakfast while trying to find a deer. This is after hiking a few miles into the breaks

Doesn't she look thrilled.

We hunted hard but never did find a buck for her. The next time out we decided that maybe we needed more help with the spotting duties.

Hey little man! Are you having fun spotting deer for your sister?

He kept telling me, "Dad there are deer in the bottom of that coulee". I keep glassing through the binos. and mumble, "UmmHmm, that's nice." Thinking there were not any deer and he was just seeing things. Daughter says "dad there really are deer down in the bottom of that coulee". I guess you need young eyes and team work to find them.

The deer spotting crew.


No deer that day but great memories were made. Both of them were snoozing in the pickup when I stopped and took this pic.

All too soon the last day of the season was upon us and still no critter for the huntress. So we decided to head to some more remote parts of Eastern Montana and try to find a buck. As stated before we finally find a buck feeding on a hillside about 600 yards away. We work around about 8 does that are between us and end up on a ridge opposit of the buck. I take out my lazer range finder and range him at 281 yards. The huntress puts down the bipod and gets a steady rest and asks me to range him again. Still says 281 yards. She settles in, the buck is perfectly broadside and she squeezes off a shot. End of hunting season.

Success and a happy huntress!!! An even Happier Dad!!!





Now the works Starts but it hardly seems like work.


The most rewarding hunting I have ever had the privilege of being a part of.

Nice pics, Nemont. Looks like everyone was having a great time! Congrats again.

Jeff- Those are just some flatass GREAT pictures!! My heartiest congrats to your daughter, son, and the proud Poppa! I can't wait until my oldest drops the hammer on her first big game animal.

Thanks again for sharing!!!!!!
AWESOME!!! Cool to see how her demeanor changed in the pics!! Congrats to you three.
Absolutely excellent! It's post's like this that made me give up on most hunting magazines long ago. Thanks Nemont I really enjoyed the photos and script. Congratualtions to your daughter.
Congrats to you and your daughter. A fine deer taken on a quality hunt. Obviously you daughter shoots better than me, as I have missed deer much closer than 280 yards. :D

In the third picture I thought your daughter was shooting radio towers while your son was spotting for her. ;) :D

Good pics and thank goodness for a game cart. :D
They are actually looking down and to the left of the radio towers. :) . It is funny because we could see pick up after pickup drive on the ridge up by the radio towers and watch the deer react. I bet the guys who drove up there never spotted a deer but we saw about 35 just from this spot.

I didn't have a game cart until this year. I am not as tough as you with putting everything on my back.

Thanks everyone for the congrats I will pass them on to Miss A.

Congrats to your daughter and you and your son for helping pull off a great hunt. The pictures are great and the little blow by blow reads with the pictures are good.
Nemont said:
So we decided to head to some more remote parts of Eastern Montana Nemont

Isn't "more remote parts of Eastern Montana" a bit redundant??? ;)

Congrats again to Miss A. An awesome trophy and a great way for her to spend her Fall. She looks pretty proud, and I bet Dad was looking pretty proud too.

You gotta get the camera with the Self-timer, so you can get pictures in there with her.... Two big smiles for one deer is priceless.

Hey MT Miller,
She "may" have been taking a whack at the Radio towers. I kinda mentioned to her how "survey stakes", Radio Towers, and other artificial items have no place on public lands..... :D I think she was even getting a Kerry-04 sticker for her bicycle.... And a Hillary-08 sticker for her fist car.... :cool:
You gotta get the camera with the Self-timer, so you can get pictures in there with her.... Two big smiles for one deer is priceless.

Why would you want to ruin a good pic by putting my ugly mug in it? :D

I guess maybe "more remote" is a little redundant. Perhaps I should have said, "further afield".

Of course I still haven't recovered from you telling me that the terrain reminds you of Africa. :eek:

What a terrifici story. I took my youngest and rattled a nice little buck in.........but she missed. She could have shot a doe, but said "Dad I want to shoot a buck". I have some nice photos of her, the country and such, but they don't end with a nice buck like yours.

That is a wonderful story. I can't wait till my own kids are old enough to hunt with. Congratulations to all of you. Great story and pics!!

That was a great story. I guess there were deer down in that coolee? Congratulations to all! That Montana free tags program sounds great too!
Nemont, Sorry for the Late Congrats bud, BUT DANG !!!!! That was a Cool photo Shoot/story !!!!! I really enjoyed the picture and story.

Congrats to you and your 2 kids. AWESOME !!!

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