NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Looking for a new unit.


New member
Dec 29, 2021
So I have been hunting unit 75 in Colorado for the last 8-9yrs.
The group I was with was luck enough to have access to BLM that was locked in by private property. I have decided to part ways with that group over some ethics I disagree with....

So that’s all I have ever known.
I have been looking at 78 and 77. I plan on truck camping near a trailhead. I think I will be fit enough for 3 miles out and back per day. I will have enough in my pack to spend 1 night out just in case.

My biggest concern is how much hunting pressure you guys talk about. From what I’m used to only 3 other guys had access to our area. We would find a hill and watch them screw up all day and usually push them to us.

So here’s my question. How bad is it really and do I need to look elsewhere? We always did 3rd season at 7800’ elevation. But from what I see 2nd may be better from success ratios I’ve seen.

I have 2 points for buck and will buy a OTC bull tag.

Am I on the right track?

PS I’m not here to hit it and quite it. I’m kinda of a forum junkie.
Nobody's going to name names in an open forum that's searchable on google.
It’s ok I get it.

Im Mostly wondering how bad the “sea of orange” is.

Definitely don’t expect any specific responses due to the reason you stated.

It’s all good I can figure it out the hard way.
Bad day hunting is better than a good day in the office.
I think it is good to assume that it will be crowded. Have backup plans and try to figure out where the most traffic will be coming from and plan accordingly.
I think it is good to assume that it will be crowded. Have backup plans and try to figure out where the most traffic will be coming from and plan accordingly.

That’s what my thoughts are. I think this year is mainly going to be a learning year.

I’m going to go scout and see if bringing our mountain bikes would help get us away from the Orange.
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