Kuiu hate

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I have purchased mostly KUIU gear and clothes for the way they fit,work and perform. KUIU does have its quirks like all companies, that being said what I buy is for me. I do like there patterns compared to Sitka but I'm not a basher of other brands.
I kinda get a kick out of their marketing scheme with the travelling bus and the "pros who can help you dial in a new kit for this fall." I'm sure they make nice stuff though. I have a few pieces of sitka and first lite clothing, but all of it was at discounted prices.
I too hear and see all the hate toward them. Here is my useless opinion. I only use their gear, the clothes are the best fitting and comfortable clothes I have ever worn. I just bought more at the traveling roadshow. The packs are awesome and so logical. I switched to their gear after trying so many others and stuff not holding up for harsh environments. ( At least what I tried) I am sure now there are lots of good stuff out there.

I respect those who disagree with their stance on certain things. I however feel if he wants to market his stuff to a certain group of people that's his right. The fat guy thing is way off course. I know some very large guys who hunt with their stuff. It like the gay wedding cake deal. The bakers refused to bake a cake for the couple, that's their right. American freedom, if you own a business and don't want to sell to someone, that your right as a private business. I can support it or not. There are lots of bakers and outdoor clothing companies you can use instead. I just don't agree with the bashing. I tend to speak with my dollars on stuff I agree or don't agree with. I wont buy a Chevy or Suburu but I don't go picket them and make stupid threats or stuff like the Trump haters.

People hate Nosler, for me its the greatest gun and round I have ever shot. It works for me. Kuiu is the best gear for me. Maybe not for you.

Belshawelk, I believe you hit it on the nose. Many are willing to jump on the bandwagon of anything (products, picket lines, etc.) but when you can find that inner "peace", you've won. I really just wanted to hear what I was missing on the subject. If you aren't going to buy a product based on one or two things someone has said, nothing would ever get sold. We aren't here to agree with one another, yet we should all just agree to disagree... You tend to get much further in life, inward and outward.
The post by npaden about Sitka and BGF is a good point. Every forum gets protective of the sponsors though so I just chalk it up to that (go to RS and criticize Kifaru and watch how it goes).

I will say this, I've become friends with a few employees of KUIU and emailed one of them a HT thread about Jason and Peay knowing they likely weren't aware of that backlash. I had a phone call the next morning from the employee wanting the back story as they were completely unaware of the negative connotations surrounding SFW. You may also recall the video posted by Hairston relaying their support for federal land ownership and opposition to state transfer.

They certainly have room to improve to catch FL and Sitka in the public land debate, but I don't see KUIU as a boogeyman either... so I buy a little of all their gear as I think they each have their strong suits (no pun intended).
I will say though I like Kuius price point(I wish sitka would lower the price). I do wear their base layers and don't have a problem. I have a problem with the owner not the company

I agree with what is stated above. I have a fair amount of their stuff that I purchased years ago and have been happy with its performance. I was a big fan of hte movement when the company was first started and Jason Hairston was much more humble and interacting with his customers (you can go back and read all the blog entries since the conception of the company - its interesting), but he has really become a dink over the last couple of years.
Anybody been to the KUIU truck parked in front of the Gallatin Valley Mall this week? I hadn't seen hadn't seen a portion of the things they make until yesterday. I'd recommend checking it out. Not only are the clothes top notch, the backpacks, accessories, and other odds and ends are worth a look..
I've got a lot of their stuff that i bought a few years ago because I liked the performance and price point and i was looking to get away from the cotton "realtree" stuff i used around here. Price was important. I'm not a fan of their wool underlayers but I like the outerwear. I also have some first lite and a few Sitka items. First Lite is top notch and I will probably try more of their outer layers in the future.
So - I own Sitka, First Lite, Kuiu, Arc'Teryx, Marmot and a whole bunch of other gear.

My take on Kuiu - some of their gear is really good. The pieces I still own are still the best for me in those situations. But, the company rubs me the wrong way. Hard to describe it, but sort of like Steve Jobs Apple elitist if that makes any sense? "Our gear is the best" attitude, directing videos directly at competitors (Japonski video), testing gear in laminate form instead of finished garment, making claims about sole-material sourcing / availability that isn't really true, getting all butt-hurt about packs not holding up as well as some of the better brands, deleting threads and negative comments on their own forum, and basically becoming a little bit of the hipster / current fad of hunting gear companies with some of the recent press.

To be honest - I'm still using some of their gear, but I feel better about supporting other companies.
Just ordered some Conifer Obsidian First Lite pants to Franken-gear with some Sitka Forest Pullover stuff...also own Kanab Dry Earth. Worn with a black Llano 1/4 zip they're church worthy...too dressy for Wally world though, sorry Schmalts.;)
We own a few pieces of Kuiu and they work as advertised. The primary complaint that I have about Kuiu is not being able to try their clothing on for size before buying it; there are no Kuiu stores in my part of the world, nor are they parking a Kuiu truck in my state...

Having to return an item for a smaller or larger size is a pain, then I get the pleasure of coughing up money to ship the item back that didn't fit me. A big Thank You to some of the guys in our local archery club who let me try their Kuiu gear on for size before buying!
All things being equal (implying Kuiu/Sitka/FL are all producing pretty decent gear), I would rather buy stuff from poeple I would enjoy drinking beer with, and Jason and Brandon don't seem like them.

That being said, I do have a pair of the Kuiu zip-off polypro pants for glassing, they are pretty slick.
I say don't worry about it. I'm gearing up for my first DIY elk hunt and I've been buying a little here and a little there of quality, light, and (if I can) more affordable stuff. I'm getting some KUIU clothing because it fits that bill for me. Being 45 now and a middle school teacher, I see the "hating " kids do on whatever is deemed "uncool." We're adults so who cares. If I run into a guy while I deer hunt and all he can do is rant about my KUIU jacket or my Savage rifle, then I know that guy hasn't grown out of middle school much. If it works for you, get it.
Humans have evolved big brains. Using your brain can save you money. In 57 years, about 45 spent in the mountains, I have never needed to spend big $ on gear. I have camped for days in extended cold below zero, as cold as negative 30, climbed big mountains and skied off summits, and hunted through downpours for days and managed just fine with very basic gear. I use my brain instead of my wallet. Still have all my fingers and toes, never even suffered more than a mild case of frost bite.

One of my good friends, Joe Gutkowski, got written up a few years ago in a national magazine as "toughest man in the rockies". Joe wears army surplus clothes, often uses a simple plastic tarp for storm protection. Joe still has all his digits too. He has climbed more mountains and killed more elk than most people will ever hope to in his 80+ years.

Just my opinion but I think all this fancy gear is just BS. People want to look "special". Style over substance.
If you're gonna be stupid, you better be tough..

Words to live by.

I like good boots, clothing, equipment, and it's not because I haven't used my share of crappy stuff.

I suggest checking out the semi parked at the mall.
You're conflating inexpensive with "crappy". Sorry but they are not the same thing.

Knowing how to survive in the woods requires proper skills and knowledge and more than just "gear". People who market and sell expensive stuff have worked their ways deep into the psyche of modern man.

I can see that I'm not going to change any minds here. Most folks prefer to be "consumers". They have been programmed their whole lives to be this way. They think that spending $ on expensive gear=security and safety.

Time for me to go sleep with the dinosaurs.
I say don't worry about it. I'm gearing up for my first DIY elk hunt and I've been buying a little here and a little there of quality, light, and (if I can) more affordable stuff. I'm getting some KUIU clothing because it fits that bill for me. Being 45 now and a middle school teacher, I see the "hating " kids do on whatever is deemed "uncool." We're adults so who cares. If I run into a guy while I deer hunt and all he can do is rant about my KUIU jacket or my Savage rifle, then I know that guy hasn't grown out of middle school much. If it works for you, get it.

I like this analogy! Thx.
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