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Kuiu hate

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New member
Feb 16, 2017
What's with all of the Kuiu hate? Looking through gear discussions, I have noticed a ton of hate on Kuiu as a whole, not necessarily the products. I'm new here, so maybe I haven't come across that forum topic yet...
It's a common topic on several internet hunting forums, mostly by people who have never used Kuiu products.
I don't personally hate them or bash them, but also no longer consider them when shopping for gear. I instead choose companies like Sitka and especially First Lite who put their money where their mouth is when it comes to supporting public lands and conservation. It has nothing to do with the quality of their gear. The few pieces I own are very nice. I just prefer my money go to other companies that produce gear equally as good. I wouldn't call it hate, just a personal choice.
As a company they are loud and successful, that will inherently breed hatred by some. To certain people their clothing represents guys who throw tons of money at guides, auction tags and sheep hunts. They certainly embrace the jock bravado and wear it on their sleeve.

There is a certain dislike of expensive technical clothing by people who haven't used it or can't afford it regardless of company.
There is a certain dislike of expensive technical clothing by people who haven't used it or can't afford it regardless of company.

Being buddies with Don Peay is pretty damning, and should be, but I think there is a lot of truth to this Flatland Crusoe. I've never spent $300 on a pair of pants or $400 on a rain jacket, and I admit and embrace that I have an inherent disdain for the fashion show -technical or not - that companies, whether conservation conscious or not, have helped turn a lot of hunting into. For better or worse.
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It is perplexing.

Jason Hairston is mentioned as a possible hunting liason for the department of interior and it blows up into a locked thread.


Sitka donates gear for the BGF banquet back in May and you hear crickets (relatively).


Direct quote. "I made that mistake with Gore. I won't make clothes for women, and I won't make clothes for fat guys, because then the skinny guys won't look good in them. I want Kuiu to be an aspirational brand."

I have some Kuiu stuff, but I don't agree with that comment. I've been buying more first lite gear lately In my opinion, an aspirational brand could provide products for all body types. Not everyone is built like a linebacker.
The gear is good - I own several pieces along with several other companies' gear, but as others have said, they choose to support companies that are aligned with public lands advocates. Kuiu has a lot of "fanboy" followers and people loyal to their brand. As you've noticed, Kuiu has done an amazing job of branding and marketing but along the way have pissed a few people off. I would wager that they don't care.
Sometimes we just gotta have someone to b#tch and moan at and Kuiu presents a nice target. At the end of the day First Lite, Sitka and others make quality gear so find what works for your hunting and budget and get what works for you.
I too hear and see all the hate toward them. Here is my useless opinion. I only use their gear, the clothes are the best fitting and comfortable clothes I have ever worn. I just bought more at the traveling roadshow. The packs are awesome and so logical. I switched to their gear after trying so many others and stuff not holding up for harsh environments. ( At least what I tried) I am sure now there are lots of good stuff out there.

I respect those who disagree with their stance on certain things. I however feel if he wants to market his stuff to a certain group of people that's his right. The fat guy thing is way off course. I know some very large guys who hunt with their stuff. It like the gay wedding cake deal. The bakers refused to bake a cake for the couple, that's their right. American freedom, if you own a business and don't want to sell to someone, that your right as a private business. I can support it or not. There are lots of bakers and outdoor clothing companies you can use instead. I just don't agree with the bashing. I tend to speak with my dollars on stuff I agree or don't agree with. I wont buy a Chevy or Suburu but I don't go picket them and make stupid threats or stuff like the Trump haters.

People hate Nosler, for me its the greatest gun and round I have ever shot. It works for me. Kuiu is the best gear for me. Maybe not for you.
Kuiu is pretty big here in CA considering their shop is outside of Davis. I wonder how popular they are in other western states. Especially say Idaho.
Maybe Kuiu should revive the UA-Bomar scandal to redirect the hate. Seems like a good marketing strategy to me. I'm just too poor to afford anything but Scent Lok:rolleyes:
For me it has nothing to do with the brand itself... lol

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I will say though I like Kuius price point(I wish sitka would lower the price). I do wear their base layers and don't have a problem. I have a problem with the owner not the company
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