How many points to draw the best unit(s) in Wyoming?


Aug 3, 2018
Olympia, Washington
Since I dont have a subscription for gohunt at the moment, I was wondering what the best units for a trophy pronghorn in Wyoming (rifle hunt) usually require as far as number of points go? I've been building points, but am in no rush to go chase pronghorn just yet. I've never hunted them, the appeal is low on my list, and right now I'd rather go on other hunts and fishing trips until the time is right. When I get to the appropriate level of points, then I'll apply and make a week of it.
You'll spend a lot of time not hunting by waiting for one of these units. I'm going in the fall for a unit with 100% draw odds for non residents with 0 points. I feel like my odds will be just as good to shoot a nice buck being these units with high odds have high pupulations.
If it's "low appeal" why bother spending hundreds of dollars over many year building points in the face of point creep? Just burn what you have, 4 or 5 points can still get a non-res a great hunt. Or drop them all together (see, sunk cost) and whenever it does appeal to you go private on a 0 point unit.
You can always apply for a special draw and keep your PP if you have the money
For pronghorn, you definitely don’t need a lot of points to have a great hunt. We had what we thought was a solid plan for deer, lope, and elk in WY. Get 3-4 lope points, 7-8 for elk and do deer with whatever points we’d accumulated after those other 2 were done. It ended up taking more than we initially thought for lope and will for elk and deer too. If I were to start all over and had the time to do so, I’d never get more than 3 points for lope in WY and would apply for general in deer/elk and hunt multiple times to learn Areas well. Being where guys like us are in supposed “no mans land” I think you’re best off going as soon as you can, find out what units you can draw, and research the hell out of those units talking to biologists, wardens, previous hunters, pick the best one and make the most out of it. Just one mans opinion.
To answer the question, I would say 7 points is about what you need right now, for what I consider the "best" areas. Now, if you're talking about the most difficult to draw areas, you need around 13 points. But I would never wait that long for an antelope hunt.
PP are only lost if drawn on 1st choice, 2nd and 3rd retain your PP.
Number of points to draw the unit is far less important than knowing what you are looking at, when it comes to Wyoming pronghorn. My largest buck in Wyoming officially grossed 86 5/8 and came from a unit that took two points to be guaranteed in the Special Draw and three points in the Regular Draw.

A group of guys saw that buck about the same time I did and they drove over to the buck and were glassing him by the time I got there. They inspected him for about ten minutes, then folded up the optics and tripods, jumped in the rig, and headed down the two-track to glass the next group. The buck ran off, but after four hours of keeping an eye on him, I got my chance.

Point being, either those guys did not know what they were looking at, or they were looking for something akin of a unicorn. I suspect the former. I've seen bucks close to that size in other Wyoming units that take 1-2 points. I don't see myself ever building more than 3 points for a Wyoming pronghorn, barring some huge acceleration in point creep.
I am a relative newbie, but FWIW, I have viewed building up to 4 or 5 points as more about getting units with more public land accessibility, than about “trophy” ‘lope unit. YMMV.

That ^^^ is the value of points in Wyoming. Surely makes for a more relaxing experience when you don't need to worry about the access challenges. My desire to hunt pronghorn as many times as possible before they send me to Boot Hill is what causes me to accept some access challenges.
Interesting comments in this tread. I’m planning to apply in WY this year and have 4 points. Should draw a unit that has good access, good numbers and great scenery - my main criteria. Any suggestions welcomed.
To answer the question, I would say 7 points is about what you need right now, for what I consider the "best" areas. Now, if you're talking about the most difficult to draw areas, you need around 13 points. But I would never wait that long for an antelope hunt.

My largest buck in Wyoming officially grossed 86 5/8 and came from a unit that took two points to be guaranteed in the Special Draw and three points in the Regular Draw. I've seen bucks close to that size in other Wyoming units that take 1-2 points. I don't see myself ever building more than 3 points for a Wyoming pronghorn, barring some huge acceleration in point creep.

See, that wasn't so hard to answer now was it? I don't see what you guys get so worked up about. Yes, it's a low priority hunt for me. My weekends will be spent hunting and fishing Washington state. The 3 weeks of vacation I get every year will be spent hunting or fishing somewhere, maybe in Washington, maybe elsewhere. I've got 1 week booked for Illinois whitetail for 2020, 1 week booked for elk in Washington, 2 days booked for a mini-vacation in Alaska. I've only got so much time. If I had all of August thru January off, I'd hunt all over. So, Pronghorn is low appeal for me right now. Elk and whitetail are way more fun. Plus black bear and steelhead locally.
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