Help ID possible Idaho unit 39 poachers


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2011
Hodale, Idaho
I received this email. Anyone recognize these guys?

Hey fellas,

I just wanted to give you guys a heads up about some poachers I took some pictures of while out on the late archery hunt on Monday. These jerks came driving up in a vehicle (no roads for miles) and shot 4-5 times at a herd of 100 deer with a rifle. *** and I just happened to be several hundred yards below them when we saw them. We watched as they snuck up and started shooting. They never went and checked if they hit anything. They simple shot and drove off. We were unable to get the license number but did get some good pics. I’m working with the fish and game now and he said to get the word out and see if anyone can recognize the vehicle and maybe get a license plate. Forward it on if you know any other hunters.

The vehicle looks to be an older black Jeep Cherokee with a heavy red pinstrip by the door handle. A large black rack above the whole cab.


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Wow thats crazy. Any more details about the rig?Lifted? Bumpers?

I hope they catch them.

Thanks for posting this. I was the one that took the pics while out on our late archery hunt. Not much more on the rig besides its very recognizable. The smaller pics don't show it well but the red pinstripe is about an inch thick and runs right by the door handle.

Word is getting out and hopefully this will at least make these guys eat an oh chit burger.

Keep an eye out in the nampa area. A buddy of mine saw the truck on garrity but only had a second but he thinks he got the full license plate but not 100% sure.

Ive sent it to f&g so hopefully find something out soon.

Anyone thought that maybe they were coyote hunting?
It could happen but, Bryce said he watched him shoot into a herd of deer and I believe him.
If he shot a coyote a chat with a game warden will do no harm but if he was shooting at a deer seeing the pictures and chatting with the game warden may scare him straight imo
This is the time of year poachers are after our deer. Keep an eye out! The UT DWR website said there are 107 instances so far this year in UT. Keep your UT jokes to yourself, this is serious.
I have seen this vehicle a handful of times this year. I believe I have seen his vehicle in SW Boise or off Gowen Rd. I will keep my eyes out.
Wow thats crazy. Any more details about the rig?Lifted? Bumpers?

I hope they catch them.

Anyone thought that maybe they were coyote hunting?

100% sure they were shooting at the deer. I could see them in my binos as he was pointing at the deer and shooting. The deer were reacting just like they do when getting shot at. Hitting high gear at each shot.

Besides driving where they shouldnt be. Plain fat slob pos. I hope they get busted.

Lets keep at it boys. We'll get them.
that is another reason why we here in oregon carry hand guns with us when we bow hunt.
and the pleasher would be all mine to place those bone heads under citizen arrest,and call the local L.E.O to take them to jail.:hump:

100% sure they were shooting at the deer. I could see them in my binos as he was pointing at the deer and shooting. The deer were reacting just like they do when getting shot at. Hitting high gear at each shot.

Besides driving where they shouldnt be. Plain fat slob pos. I hope they get busted.

Lets keep at it boys. We'll get them.

Will forward this on and keep watching for that rig in the Nampa area. Wife works in Caldwell so will have her keep an eye out as well.
Not many 4x4's in China so It should stick out if it's here. What is the protocol if one of us should spot the car?
Not many 4x4's in China so It should stick out if it's here. What is the protocol if one of us should spot the car?

Just try and get a license plate number.

PM me or call the fish and game office and ask for Bob Sellers. He's the one on the case.


All these people saying all this stuff,but I wanna see the
picture of this herd of deer! If you could see the
deer where those guys are why didn't you get a pic of deer? Along
with these other pics??
All these people saying all this stuff,but I wanna see the
picture of this herd of deer! If you could see the
deer where those guys are why didn't you get a pic of deer? Along
with these other pics??
Mr. Martinez you seem to be implying these guys are innocent? Were you the one doing the shooting? If so explain your side of the story. Because what I have posted so far pretty much paints a really good picture of what was going on. Here is your chance to clear your name. I'm guessing you won't.... :rolleyes:

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