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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Hey everyone,

I’m trying to buy some access in 411 for a bull elk this fall. In order to get enough keeeesh, I’m selling some waypoints.

Did anyone see that whitetail Peter Panda from Stone Glacier killed a year or so ago? The small framed one with all the mass?

Did anyone see the latest “Cal in the Field“ show on Meateater channel? The one where they float canoes on top of the other guys and hunt some landlocked property? You know, the one with the owner of onX maps. Did you know that whoever Panda is and where Cal was with onX dude was the exact same spot?

Do you want to know where they were? I’m talking exactly where they were. Where to put in? Where to take out? Which pivot holds the biggest bucks?

Did you also know that there’s tons of elk in there and with your 900 archery tag you can have a go at 380” alfalfa fed bulls in September?

For $150 each I’ll drop some pins. Who’s in??????? The way I figure is if Panda and Cal want to pimp out a hunting spot for clicks and content that took me 3 years to find then all the world should have at it. Heck, for $350 I’ll shuttle your vehicle for you. 😂🤪😂
if history repeats itself - I think you’re going to need more than fistful of dollars and a good permit to tie your tag into anything other than another dink.
Probably took some superhuman eyes to drive a county road and locate the best pivots, it wouldn’t take most people 3 years. Foreshadowing...
Those spots are worth $10 a piece now, if one out of every thousand people that watched those videos are handy with onx, google earth, and a little research, they will be busy this year. Hence not a secret honey hole anymore.
Those spots are worth $10 a piece now, if one out of every thousand people that watched those videos are handy with onx, google earth, and a little research, they will be busy this year. Hence not a secret honey hole anymore.

That’s my point. Cal told me himself that he didn’t think anyone could tell which river it was let alone which part of said river. All in the name of clicks. Funny thing is I went there and saw the two trucks siting there and went someplace else and found a good buck two hours later. They knew people were there and still went in on top of them——with a film crew. You can’t make it up.
Probably took some superhuman eyes to drive a county road and locate the best pivots, it wouldn’t take most people 3 years. Foreshadowing...

Judas dude, you don’t even get the joke. You take it hook, line, and sinker. I’ll Venmo you $100 for every thread I make that you don’t comment on.

It’s not a “hard a$$” thing to do, but the people I’m talking about act like they went somewhere the average guy would never get to cuz it’s in the middle of nowhere.
For every one guy that goes there to hunt there will another spot with one less guy. Seems like the cat was already out of the bag if that many people already knew about it
For every one guy that goes there to hunt there will another spot with one less guy. Seems like the cat was already out of the bag if that many people already knew about it

That’s what I said when the Durfees exploded. It stings a tad more when it’s your own spot. Oh well, we had a good run. One time we were pulling away with two bucks in the raft and a guy from Bozeman was Walking upstream with a canoe. Against the current. I guess he though he was part of the Lewis and Clark Corps. 🤷‍♂️
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