Yeti GOBOX Collection

Four Days and a Wake Up Then I Retire

I retired from the military in 1997 and swore I was not gonna go back to work but I did. Now I am retired from military, federal civil service AND soon to be State of Wyoming and draw social security on top of that. But now I think this is it. Never say never, but I want to enjoy things now while my health allows it. If I get another job, it's going to be temporary and fit around my hunting and traveling dates or not at all.
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Congrats WyoDoug! I'm right behind you with about 75 working days left. Building a house outside of Buffalo right now. Moving the wife out to start her new job next week (she is younger than me, and prettier)... and I happen to have a few antelope and deer tags in my pocket as well. 😁 Thirty-four years, eleven months, eight days of military stuff. I am ready for this!
Post up pics and story for us when you tag out.
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Down to just four days and a wakeup and I retire and begin an epic hunting season beginning with antelope this coming Thursday. Going to spend all of today and tomorrow packing and repacking my day pack and wondering what the hell am I forgetting. Last time I checked, I forgot to pack my knife so there is always something. Hopefully nothing essential for a local day hunt. My first hunt for antelope will be local on either the HMA I drew for or some private I just got permission on a few weeks ago. Goal is a 14 inch or better on the type 1 tag or I will take a doe with it. I also got two type 6 doe tags. So hyped I can not wait. Wedneday, the night before I will open one of those live hunt posts and do it journal style.
Congrats on your multiple and final retirement. Well deserved. Enjoy (and post about) your pronghorn hunt.
I had a guilty conscience for the first couple years after i retired. Rest assured, after that it has not bothered me at all.:)
Congrats on getting to retire - best of luck out there and I look forward to reading about the hunting! And if it helps, sometimes my wife will look through my pack to make sure I am not forgetting something. She tends to worry about me...maybe because I’ve frequently forgotten things like leaving my coffee on my car and diving away, or misplacing my sunglasses on the top of my head, etc. Have a great time!!
Congrats on the retirement. I Did the first time in 2013 and it lasted less than a month, doing the same job because the new hire quit. So I went back for 10 months and 3 months later the next one quit and then 8 months to train one more time. So I work for almost 2 years doing the job I left. I still work 2 days a week but that just to pay for fisiing.
Doug, it’ll be the best time you’ve ever done....again.
Been 18 months for me and I still can’t believe that I get paid to do what I want.
Helping my brother and his in-laws farm this fall, because I WANT to.
I’ll add this for any younger guys reading this. Start planning and putting money back today for your retirement. Today, not tomorrow. Tomorrow will become the day you could have retired.
Doug, it’ll be the best time you’ve ever done....again.
Been 18 months for me and I still can’t believe that I get paid to do what I want.
Helping my brother and his in-laws farm this fall, because I WANT to.
I’ll add this for any younger guys reading this. Start planning and putting money back today for your retirement. Today, not tomorrow. Tomorrow will become the day you could have retired.
This is where the forced career changes paid off. I retired from military took 15 years early out retirement. Then I got riffed from my federal civil service job but got a retirement plus a TSP payout that I rolled over. Then I got retired from Melco as a QA engineer and got a huge payout that I rolled over into my 104. Now I am about to retire from my state job and this time I am cashing my deferred comp out end funding an epic hunting season. So counting social security that makes four retirement checks coming in every month. I will make more than I would working then when I turn 66 and four months if I decide to go back to work, I can without any penalty on social security.
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Congrats on your retirement. Work is highly over rated LOL. I retired after 28 yrs with the Sheriffs Office on my 50th birthday. I was able to live comfortably and do what I wanted. Tried real estate for a few years, made money but it got in the way of enjoying life. So I retired from it lol actually went hunting in September and forgot to go back to work. Then have did some part time at Sportsman Warehouse then went hunting again and have enjoyed life ever since. I'm 66 now and never regretted NOT doing a second career. My wife has a few more years she wants to work to build her retirement up then we will be able to enjoy a little travel and what ever we choose to do.
As for missing my job at the S.O. that lasted about 15 or 20 seconds then I got over it. :)
Enjoy the new chapter in your life!!!!!!
Well today is it. I officially retire at 4:30 PM today. Tomorrow I get up at 4:00 AM and go out to the ranch north of town and hunt antelope. I will start a new thread when I get home with pictures on a live hunt. Got one type 1 tag and goal is 14 inch or better or I shoot a doe on it. Then I got two type 6 doe/fawn tags which I will focus on mature does with good body bulk for as much meat as possible.

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