Four Days and a Wake Up Then I Retire


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2019
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Down to just four days and a wakeup and I retire and begin an epic hunting season beginning with antelope this coming Thursday. Going to spend all of today and tomorrow packing and repacking my day pack and wondering what the hell am I forgetting. Last time I checked, I forgot to pack my knife so there is always something. Hopefully nothing essential for a local day hunt. My first hunt for antelope will be local on either the HMA I drew for or some private I just got permission on a few weeks ago. Goal is a 14 inch or better on the type 1 tag or I will take a doe with it. I also got two type 6 doe tags. So hyped I can not wait. Wedneday, the night before I will open one of those live hunt posts and do it journal style.
4 days huh, try to get some sleep :)
This is the hard part for two reasons. One, retirement is a form of stress and a significant lifestyle change. The good part is I will no longer be sitting on my ass and moving around more and getting more exercise. With more time in the fitness center and on my feet more of the day, maybe I finally will get my weight down. Second, buck fever is bad. I am actually dreaming antelope. Dreamed I was laying belly down with a huge buck in my scope with ridiculously tall horns that would make one hell of a story on HT but quartering away too far and just not a good shot. (I know a lot of guys who would have taken that shot anyways) Woke up before I got to the end of that dream LOL.
Congratulations! (y)
It will probably take you a while to get used to retirement. Now you'll be able to do all the things you didn't have time to do when you were working.
It took me several weeks to where I didn't feel like there was something I was supposed to be doing. I also had dreams about work, usually involving all the darn computer crap I had to do.
It also took me a very long time to get used to not waking up at 2am everyday so I could leave the house by 3am for work.
Hope you enjoy every minute of your retirement. Good luck on your hunt.
Congratulations on the retirement! And good luck on the Hunt!
WyoDoug: Excited to hear of all your speed goat exploits!! Finish off this week, and then dig in and shoot straight.
I am almost to the 1 year point since I fully retired and it is still a little weird. BUT, whenever you want to go hunting, shooting, etc and realize you just CAN it instantly brings a smile to your face. I love it when people ask "What do you do?"........WHATEVER I want. :)
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