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First Timer- Region R Wyoming Mule Deer

Hey gang, this is my first ever post. I've been soaking up a ton of information in preparation for my old man and I's first mulie hunt. I think I've listened to just about every podcast, watched countless YouTube videos, stared at OnX maps for hours, and am waiting to received Robby Dennings book (I already read Dwight Schuh's). Anyways, We're from northern WI and have chased bigwoods whitetails for many years. I returned from a overseas deployment last summer in time to pick up a leftover Antelope tag and have been hooked on western hunting and itching to return ever since. It took some poking and prodding, but my dad decided to join me for the return, i'm excited to say the least!! I want the trip to be a success, mostly for my dad, so I've been doing most of the leg work. Out of the 7 units that make up "R" I have it whittled down to 3 units. Is anyone familiar with "R" willing to message me and lend me their ear? I have a plan in my head and want to see if it sounds logical to someone with experience. I've done my best with my limited knowledge and have the hunting version of writers block. I've considered access, food sources, weather, hunting pressure etc. Someday I hope to be able to contribute and assist others with their hunts. That being said, if you have WI whitetail questions, let me know! Thanks guys, I appreciate your time, have a great 4th of July!!
Region R Mule Deer: regardless of anything you thought you knew about Mule deer… throw it out the window for Region R. This is a very pressured Region, although there are deer around they are sneaking bastards here. I’ve never seen mule deer hold so tight in my life; So with that said glassing every little patch of sage and trees we’ll be your best chance out there. The only rhyme and reason the deer we seen in that particular place and time was because of pressure. We seen deer in 9000’ and all the way to 4000’. Keeping all this in mind if your looking for an easy draw unit and looking for something below average to average with antlers it’s doable.
Hat's off to current military members and those who served in the past. It's always a pleasure to meet and talk with members of all the branches, well maybe not swabbies, jk. LOL I retired in 1997 from Colorado Army National Guard (fulltimer) and had active Marine Corps and Army before that. Managed to get dual service retirement (military plus federal civil service retirement).
That makes for a good retirement. I did 4 years active Air Force, with 23 years Arizona Air National Guard and Federal Civil Service as a jet fighter crewchief. Who would have known the right decisions we made back in the day. Thank you for your service.