PEAX Equipment

First Timer- Region R Wyoming Mule Deer


New member
Jul 4, 2019
Hey gang, this is my first ever post. I've been soaking up a ton of information in preparation for my old man and I's first mulie hunt. I think I've listened to just about every podcast, watched countless YouTube videos, stared at OnX maps for hours, and am waiting to received Robby Dennings book (I already read Dwight Schuh's). Anyways, We're from northern WI and have chased bigwoods whitetails for many years. I returned from a overseas deployment last summer in time to pick up a leftover Antelope tag and have been hooked on western hunting and itching to return ever since. It took some poking and prodding, but my dad decided to join me for the return, i'm excited to say the least!! I want the trip to be a success, mostly for my dad, so I've been doing most of the leg work. Out of the 7 units that make up "R" I have it whittled down to 3 units. Is anyone familiar with "R" willing to message me and lend me their ear? I have a plan in my head and want to see if it sounds logical to someone with experience. I've done my best with my limited knowledge and have the hunting version of writers block. I've considered access, food sources, weather, hunting pressure etc. Someday I hope to be able to contribute and assist others with their hunts. That being said, if you have WI whitetail questions, let me know! Thanks guys, I appreciate your time, have a great 4th of July!!
I am going to answer your question in the general state-wide sense. Wyoming had a serous winter kill of deer several years back and the mulies have not really recovered and no one knows why yet. Mule deer population is not recovering/growing like it should. CWD plays a part but so do other factors. Whitetail on the other hand has rebounded so much so that I expect to have 3 type 8 doe/fawn whitetail licenses for this coming season. I put in for a leftover mainly to see if I can draw it and after studying the odds, I very well might. Good mule deer populations do exist in parts of the state and there are others who know more than I do on what is going on but every place I put in to hunt, getting mule deer permits especially does are way tougher than whitetail.
Haven’t hunted any of the R units, but I’ve hiked around a few of them for fun. It’s beautiful country and you’ll have a great trip.

Welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the forum! Good on you for looking out for you old man. I'm sure he'll get hooked! I hope you fill the freezer.
The deer are there. Mulies are fairly difficult to hunt compared to whitetail because of the population of them but they are in there. Some of the areas are CWD areas you have to take your deer in to be checked so follow up on the rules for that with the Wyoming Game and Fish. Out of all the deer I have shot since marrying my wife and moving to Wyoming, I have never had one test positive and that includes a couple mulies. The info on CWD areas are on the Wyoming G&F website.
Hat's off to current military members and those who served in the past. It's always a pleasure to meet and talk with members of all the branches, well maybe not swabbies, jk. LOL I retired in 1997 from Colorado Army National Guard (fulltimer) and had active Marine Corps and Army before that. Managed to get dual service retirement (military plus federal civil service retirement).
Hat's off to current military members and those who served in the past. It's always a pleasure to meet and talk with members of all the branches, well maybe not swabbies, jk. LOL I retired in 1997 from Colorado Army National Guard (fulltimer) and had active Marine Corps and Army before that. Managed to get dual service retirement (military plus federal civil service retirement).
That's awesome, good for you! Thank you for your service. Definitely looking forward to the experience out there. Everything I've read says the deer are there. I just need to be patient and cover some ground.
That is true. Mulies are definitely in there. You just have to work harder to find them than you do whitetail. Be sure you check Wyoming's CWD rules as some will have to be taken to a warden, regional office or the main office to be checked for CWD.
I hunted Region "R' about ten years ago. We hunter north of Tensleeps. That your you could purchase left over doe tags over the counter. After puting some of our fear in the cabin that we rented. We went out for a scouting drive. I managed to kill a doe less than two hours after buying hte doe tag. Perhaps my expectations were too high for bucks as I ended up eating my buck tag. My hunting partner and me did see the largest whitetail buck either of us as ever seen. Unfortunately he was over 900 yards away. Could of shot many three and small willow horned four points, but that was and is not what I have been looking for. My hunting partner and me did see four nice and I mean REAL NICE shooter bucks just south of Lovell the day after hunting season closed when we were headed home. Five years ago we hunted Region "M" south of Tensleep. We saw some nice bucks the day before season opened. Went back to the same spot opening morning. I sat on a ridge with three four point bucks less than 250 yards below me. But, I wanted something with more mass and more spread. Once again, I ate my tag. Total three trips to Wyoming and I ate three tags. Not much help I know as this was several years ago. Did see lots of hunters from Wisconsin that were taking a lot of smaller bucks though ever time I was back there. I just never found what I was looking for.
I've tried to do as much leg work from home as I can. Just got my BLM maps in the mail and have been playing phone tag with the biologist. I'm going into it with an open mind. Same as you, not interested in shooting the first thing with horns. Even back home I could fill my buck tag every year, but choose not too. I enjoy the process as much as the hunt itself. We get a lot of pressure during our 9 day rifle season, but over the years I can sneak away to public spots that are overlooked. Everyone I've interacted with has been awesome. I pass along information on WI, I think it's part of the fun helping others. Good luck if you were fortunate to draw this year!
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