Fall turkey strategies?


Active member
Aug 4, 2015
Shot my first spring turkey this year and am definitely hooked on turkey hunting. Minnesota has a fall season, over the counter with both Toms and Hens open to take. Does anyone have any strategies for fall turkey hunting?

From what I understand it is quite different than calling them in in spring.

Thanks all, and good luck in the field!
Bust up a flock and then call them back in. Also, a good ole ambush along known routes works well too.
Hens and their poults will want to quickly regroup. Scattering a flock and setting up near the bust up and acting like the boss hen will often succeed in calling in the young of the year and their hens. For a scatter to succeed it must be a true scatter, and not every turkey in the flock heading off in the same direction. Making hen clucks, very short yelp runs and kee-kee's of young birds are the sounds I try to make.

Busting up a bachelor flock of super jakes and toms can also work, but they tend to gather together much slower..... Hours instead of minutes.

That being said, most of my fall birds have been taken when I spot birds, knowing/guessing where they are headed and intercept or ninja sneak into position for an ambush.
I would describe fall turkey hunting as its probably not going to be pretty or thoroughly strategic as mentioned before. Covering lots of ground along logging roads between areas turkeys use is pretty helpful. See turkeys, charge at them without hesistation, shoot if you get within range or just bust them up to call again.
Turkeys are pretty easy to pattern, scout, scout and do some more scouting. Look for scratching's, droppings, feathers. Also look for feed such as acorns and hunt the open fields. Walking down any path or logging road is a good hunting tactic. It's amazing how well during the Fall breaking up a flock works. As soon as you see birds, run and yell like a crazy man (without a loaded weapon). The idea is to get the birds to scatter in multiple directions. Then sit where the flock broke up. In about 15 minutes you should start hearing the birds looking for each other. I would use soft yelps and kee - kee run calls. Good luck