Early Nebraska Turkey


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2008
Crazy, CO
I'm thinking about having my five and seven year old boys ride along with me on a early season archery turkey hunt in Nebraska. I'd be in southwest Nebraska on public land. I've never hunted turkey's this early and was wondering if anyone can share some early season tips.
A few tips that have worked for me.

I have good success using Kee Kee and lost hen calls early in the season. Even a gobbler will come in and check it out.
If the gobblers are not fired up try to cut and get the boss hen fired up. In many cases she will bring one or more gobblers with her.
If the turkeys are still in large flocks break them up as you would during fall hunting and call them back in. If you break them up just prior to roost time you can get set up before fly down the next day and call while they are trying to get back together.
I also use more decoys early season. Since it is an archery only season on public land I would add one or two gobbler decoys.
Sometimes gobblers will come in silent when they are not fired up. I have been busted many times by moving too soon.
Lastly, I'm sure you will be hunting from a blind with the boys. Make sure they have something to keep them occupied during slow periods.
Watch out for ticks, but give the boys a blanket to nap on. You'll live this trip for years. Still high on the one my boy and I took.
"Early season" behavior is more about the weather and less about the dates on the calender. I felt compelled to mention that based on the current weather. I also will be hunting the end of March in NE and as an old timer told me, plan for temps from 10-80 degrees from sun, snow or rain. Its all true.

Two years ago I shot my first bow bird on Mar. 26th and the temp was 12 degrees that morning. It has snowed the day before. By the time we left 2 days later, it was 45 degrees. Now this spring, its already 60 degrees down there. I expect another cold snap and maybe some more snow between now and then, but it will likely be warmer this year.

If its still cold and the birds are flocked up, you can use fall technicques. Another tactic that works well is to ambush the travel routes. The birds will still be in their winter patterns and are fairly reliable to pattern. We had a great 4 days of hunting doing that because it was cold and snowy. Tracks and scratching for food were easily located. That and the birds will be using more thermal cover such as evergreen trees on the lee side of hills.

Bring activities and a blanket or sleeping bag for the boys. They will get cold and want to nap and thats lots easier than packing up to go home. I will be heading out in April with my 12 yr old daughter. She shot her first bird last year and is ready to do it again this spring. Good luck. Those are my favorite memories.
Have your boys been out with you before. I took my kids hunting for the first time last year and like said before. It's all about activities and snacks. I assume you will be hunting with a blind?
Sounds like fun. I saw some birds strutting this morning on the way to work.

The first turkey hunt I did with my daughter was one of the best ever. I let her pick the spot and help setup the decoys and she proceeded to blow various calls and eat crackers for the next hour in the blind. I don't think we were ever within 500 yards of a bird but it was fun for her which is most important when taking kids hunting IMO.

As far as tactics I sometimes will use decoys and calls but also enjoy spotting and stalking birds. I prefer to watch them from a distance and figure out which way they are heading and try to setup an ambush.
Watch out for ticks, but give the boys a blanket to nap on. You'll live this trip for years. Still high on the one my boy and I took.

Roger that on the ticks. Long sleeves with tight cuffs and pant legs tucked in boots, the ticks are thick as can be in that country. Good luck!
You might want to go with a ground blind so that the kids don't have to sit absolutely still for long periods of time. If you need one, get ahold of me. I've got 2 you can use. We can meet up somewhere. I also have a coleman buddy heater you can use in it if the weather is cold to keep the kids comfortable.
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I have hunted the early NE season several years and as mentioned above the weather can play a huge role in the hunt. Nothing like hunting turkeys with a heater going in the blind. The birds in the area that I hunt are flocked up badly. I have found that the best course of action is to call softly and sparingly and be as patient. I have had birds pass me at 80 yards only to circle back an hour later to check out my decoys. I also like to push in tight to the roost but it can be difficult if the moon is out at all with the lack of vegetation. I have a friend who likes to take that early season hunt and spend the time hunting with his children. They always have a good time and see a lot of turkeys.
x2 on using a blind. Unless your kids are complete opposites of mine, just keeping them content in a blind was a struggle at times. Guessing you are already thinking that since you are archery hunting.
My ground blinds, if you're interested, are an original Double Bull and an Ameristep Brick House. Both should have plenty of room for you and the kids and would stay warm with the buddy heater.
First bird down for 2015, with a bow and to top it off, with your kids. Fantastic times.
So how in the world did you slip right into their bedroom, set up a blind and keep 2 kids quiet enough that didn't blow them out of the tree? Spectacular job indeed.
So how in the world did you slip right into their bedroom, set up a blind and keep 2 kids quiet enough that didn't blow them out of the tree? Spectacular job indeed.

Kids and quiet should not go in the same sentence! I told them to act like ninjas, it worked and they didn't make a peep until fly down. I took their sleeping bags to the blind which kept them warm and happy, iPads for entertainment, and plenty of snacks/drinks. The hardest part was getting them up at 4am two days in a row and carrying all the extra crap!
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