Caribou Gear


How much has the Stay at Home actuallly affected you ?

  • NONE

    Votes: 5 7.7%

    Votes: 24 36.9%

    Votes: 31 47.7%

    Votes: 5 7.7%

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It hasn't been a huge hit to us, really. It's definitely been annoying, however. My wife's parents are in their 70's and her dad has asthma, so he is especially susceptible to Covid, and they haven't really been taking social distancing seriously, so it's putting a lot of stress on us. We haven't seen our government check either hmm... Also, some buddies have been suggesting turkey hunting trips across the state (Colorado) and, as much as I'd like to go, I just don't think it's wise. We're relatively young and self sufficient, but it just doesn't seem in accordance with the spirit of what we're trying to do here (as well as the governors orders). I feel 'soft' for saying no to these trips, but I know I wouldn't feel right going.
I took a 10% pay cut last week but at least I'm still working. Up to that point it was just a minor inconvenience. I am definitely saving money on gas from not driving to work and also getting more sleep though.
inconvenient for sure. I'm still working but my gf works retail. After seeing the Big Box stores still open, and going I don't see any reason for small retailers to not be open. We are doing HAVE done it for a month and a half it in our Retail feed store (deemed essential). I sense a feeling of helpless resignation from her store's owner.

Financially, I'm carrying the load. She lost a house tenant who went home for the rest of the school year. That cut into her cash flow as well. In the meantime she is doing some caregiving for a friend who can't be home with a family member that needs help. That is wearing on her mental state. I've bought a lot of chocolate the last 45 days!
Wife and I are supposed to get $400.00 each but it has not shown up yet. She's a small business and she's supposed to get a check for $450.00 which also has not shown up yet. Yeah I know "checks in the mail right!"
I'd say it's more inconvenient than anything. I'm still technically working and getting a check but since elective procedures aren't really happening I've only had to go into hospital about once every two weeks. When this whole thing first started we were extremely busy because docs were trying to get things done before everything was shut down. We are slowly starting to pick back up. My girlfriend got put on furlough at the end of April and just found out that is continuing through May which isn't great. The silver lining to this whole thing is we've been able to make a bunch of progress training our pup that may not have been made this quickly if we weren't home all the time. I am torn on the subject of opening things back up or remaining closed. I have been adhering to social distancing guidelines for the most part. I think that overall it needs to be taken seriously I just don't agree with how the government can pick and choose what businesses are "essential" and what aren't.
We were perfectly set up for this. I got a covid check, job, and food. Our state has the 6th lowest deaths/capita so we never had a stay-at-home order. Plus since all our clinics are cancelled I get to help work the Covid19 testing tent the VA set up for symptomatic veterans. Been a nice change of pace getting to work outside!

Does suck wearing a mask everywhere. My hair looks stupid but what else is new? Gyms are reopening soon so that's good.
Pretty massive effects for my dental office and staff members. Total shutdown for 6 weeks. For the month of April procedures were down by more than 90% (emergency stopgap procedures to relieve pain/infection were the only "permitted" stuff done).

We get to go back to the "new normal" Monday. Which is less than two weeks before my youngest's wedding. Said wedding has gone from a guest list of over 200 to bridal party, parents, family (a few aunts/uncles/cousins) and we will still technically be breaking the rules of 10 or less gatherings under "Phase I" of the reopening of Kansas as we might have 30 people there. Silver lining......grilled cheese bar will be super quick!! (The groom loooovvvesss grilled cheese sandwiches)
Well having had it, it was believe it or not a bit scary. I lost my job but i've had 7 months worth of savings and the $2000 per month from the government helps. I miss working though. I went from working 60+ hour weeks to nothing. Trying to find remote work is tough.

I've been watching a bunch out Youtubers not following common sense practices, which they now get unsubscribed. Bye Bye Born and Raised, Cameron Hanes, Mtn Ops etc.
My wife and I own ( she runs) two clothing boutiques, one in St. Louis and one in Batavia Il. We had to shut the doors on March 15. Yes it has effected us, but my wife has evolved the business and went back to our roots of online/facebook/IG sales and we are actually weathering the storm. Hopefully we will be able to open back up in June. Both landlords have been very accommodating and are letting us pay back the two months rent as an add on to the months going forward.

We applied for the stimulus small business loan on the day it opened and we still haven't heard anything. This really stinks as we paid our employees for the entire month of March and half of April even though we were closed. And it really hurts when I see these multi million dollar loans being given to companies first when it was deemed for small business.

I am still working my day job as an automotive rep. I am just not visiting dealers and probably not till mid June. 3 of our 4 children are doing the whole E learning so we take turns throughout the day playing teacher.

Gun club is closed so I can't take the kids shooting, but with the lake in the backyard we have been fishing alot.
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