How much has the Stay at Home actuallly affected you ?

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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
How has this "Lock Down" actually affected your family. Did the $1200 doo any true help? Personally, I just need a D@mn haircut and the check went into my retirement account.
It's been annoying but nothing in my life has really changed. I don't get to go to the bar but that hasn't stopped limited interactions with friends like going fishing and drinking beers in the backyard (I don't want people within 6 feet of me when I'm fishing anyway)

I'm about 4 days away from completely ignoring the whole thing. We have new employees coming on that have been quarantined for about 2 weeks and once that happens there is no physical way we can do field work without being within 6 feet and be effective. I have cancelled work trips that involve hotels and will be camping instead.
Hardly any,except how & when I shop,which is rare now. Pretty much live alone in very remote place anyway.Retired.
Saw I got a check & put half in savings & have a road grader coming in next week to smooth out my 2 track road,which I was getting done anyway.Coinkeydink...I once won a spelling bee!
It was a mild inconvenience until our idiot governor decided against all logic and reason to force the state to open back up with cases still on the rise and no meaningful testing in place. Now I face a choice of going back to work in a crowded welding school and endangering my immune compromised son, or losing my job. Both qualify as hardships in my book.
Still working full time, no change there. Yes going to the store(s) a lot less, went to home depot the other day and really got grossed out there, herding people like cattle through one door.
This years project at home is converting my back deck into a covered patio, that project has taken a hit at the concrete stage I hope to get that piece moving forward soon now.
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but besides being self employed not being able to collect unemployment, and if you or someone you know has gotten very sick or gravely ill from covid, it is just more of an inconvenience factor. If you are unemployed you get the prorated amount of your previous years earnings plus a flat 600$ a week! I don't see how that can work. My wife now makes more on unemployment that actually working....which is nice, but don't necessarily agree morally with. You don't apply for the 600$ it just goes in with separately with unemployment. It baffles me how the government can be handing out money like this.
I'm "essential" and am still getting a paycheck. I do all of the grocery shopping and we all know what we can and can't find on a regular basis, so that's the only change. Our biggest change has been moving our youngest daughter back home when the shelter in place order went down. Cooking for 3 now, but she does do dishes! :cool: The wife and I each took our $1200 and used it to pay down some bills. Wasn't a lifesaver, but helped getting down closer to that debt-free status! Kid is still getting paid from her job even though she is being told to stay home and used hers for new tires and a new mattress set.
I'm still waiting for the gubbmint money. Don't really need it. Retired, healthy,,hope to stay that way.
Hasn’t really hurt us. Was an essential employee at the start, but been off from elbow surgery for 3 weeks. Won’t be going back to work as I’m retiring 😄
Daughter lost prom, graduation, and all around end of senior year in HS fun and freedom. And money from her side jobs.

Son lost college graduation ceremonies. Son already had grad school lined up, which is great, as geology is a tough job market right now.
I’m still going in to work and wife is working from home. Fortunate in that regard.
None. We're both still employed and healthy, so feel fortunate on that front. The social distancing is just called normal life for me, so I've actually enjoyed the alone time!
We have been lucky to hold onto our work schedules. Nothing really affected our ability to earn money. But my son hasent been to his Autism therapy and school is being done at home. So that has really put a dampener on things.
My sister hasn't been able to open her food truck for quite a while. With a baby on the way the risk isn't worth it. I have been unaffected.
Blessed with family health and financially...we've lost a step in the field to err on the caution side but the health dividends of our crew members is our #1 priority. Our fellow subs and GC's have shown the same diligence.
None of the handful of places I go have been closed. And we’ve have still visited with the small group of of family and friends that we have. I’m fortune to still get my full paycheck and work from home and my gf has continued working at work with limited exposure.
The only inconvenience I have experienced is my girlfriend’s dad not moving his camper to a prime fishing area and dealing with idiot managers that are driving everyone insane while working from home. Insignificant inconveniences compared to others losing loved ones.

I go back and forth between the need for us to open things and get back to normal, and the need to keep things closed so more people aren’t sick at once. A family friend’s wife has passed away from it, a friend of a friend healthy at 27 has passed away, and my best friend’s grandpa has it. At 94 years old I don’t expect him to live. It is real and it is affecting people. To all who say “only X% of people die blah blah blah...” I bet they would look at the number differently if it was someone they loved.
But when I drive through our small town I’d say 80-90% of places are open to some degree. Most no different than signs telling you where to stand. Why does the guy who cuts hair have to suffer and not pay his bills while there are people constantly interacting at grocery stores?

And I haven’t received the $1,200. If it comes it comes if it don’t it don’t.
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My wife is an independent bookkeeper for several small farms (dairy) and with the hit from them having to dump milk she got let go.. (Farmers are having their wives do the books because they can't afford to pay for my wife's services) So unemployed and no unemployment available for her. It's a big hit to us.. Just about half our income..
Mostly just an inconvenience. Working in medical has kept us busy, our employees have said they're glad to be working. The move to telemedicine has been a bit of a challenge, harder logistics, difficult flow, but most importantly it's been hard for our to not physically see patients, you just get a better visit. Some of the stories that we are getting are crushing, kids held up in abusive situations because CPS can't get them out, increased suicide attempts, and just downright stupidity like a cardiac patient refusing to go to the hospital when having an episode, he's no longer here.

I miss having people over for dinner, that's been the hardest.

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