PEAX Equipment

Colorado Unit 61


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2014
Howdy Folks,

First post and I'm asking for your honey hole. Or at least your thoughts. I might draw unit 61 second rifle this year, I've got some ideas where I'll be spending time scouting this summer but I wouldn't mind hearing your thoughts.
BeanMan, perhaps when you have an actual tag in pocket, you may find some help. Few, actually none including me, of the guys I run accross take the trouble to share hard earned info with someone who may never actually do the hunt.
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It has always amazed me as I watch this forum and others, how guys put in for tags with no ideas about the units they are putting in for, then come running to the forums for info on those units...

Good sleuthing job! I hadn't logged in to Hunt talk since the Oscar days and couldn't remember the Password I used as BeanMan. I should draw the tag this year, I drew it two years ago but had to give it back after a nasty mountain bike crash left me without use of my right shoulder a couple weeks before the hunt. I do know the unit fairly well already but was bored on this rainy western Colorado weekend.


It has always amazed me as I watch this forum and others, how guys put in for tags with no ideas about the units they are putting in for, then come running to the forums for info on those units...

Cush, have you ever hunted a premium unit or a lottery odds tag? Do you apply for hunts around the western states or just in Colorado.

A lot of guys, me included, apply and draw tags in far flung places that it would be impossible, and foolish to try, to pre scout on foot.

If you do not try to, and nor have drawn, primo tags that are always a bit of a surprise when you draw then you really have no idea what you are talking about. Anyway it helps to be in the shoes of those you judge, to know what is really up. Bean is a western slope guy and I would guess knows 61 some already. If so then what you said is inaccurate, along with being needlessly unkind. When you draw that ewe tag in the unit I killed one in, I will gladly tell you exactly where to sit and await a herd of ewes to show up daily near a certain pass handy to where you will be traveling from. Took me 4 hard days of backpacking hunting to find it in what is actually an easily accessed location. And not judge you for asking for suggestions.

On a dozen or more occasions for great tags... hundreds or more miles from the house or just for lottery odds draw tags I have pulled, I have asked for and received a lot of intel via hunting forums or people met on forums, some intel useless, some helpful and nearly all well meaning. I have given that same info even more times than that. Give and take, what's the problem with guys sharing info via forums.

Boring rainy day...might as well bust on Cushman for sport.:p
Cush, have you ever hunted a premium unit or a lottery odds tag? Do you apply for hunts around the western states or just in Colorado.

A lot of guys, me included, apply and draw tags in far flung places that it would be impossible, and foolish to try, to pre scout on foot.

If you do not try to, and nor have drawn, primo tags that are always a bit of a surprise when you draw then you really have no idea what you are talking about. Anyway it helps to be in the shoes of those you judge, to know what is really up. Bean is a western slope guy and I would guess knows 61 some already. If so then what you said is inaccurate, along with being needlessly unkind. When you draw that ewe tag in the unit I killed one in, I will gladly tell you exactly where to sit and await a herd of ewes to show up daily near a certain pass handy to where you will be traveling from. Took me 4 hard days of backpacking hunting to find it in what is actually an easily accessed location. And not judge you for asking for suggestions.

On a dozen or more occasions for great tags... hundreds or more miles from the house or just for lottery odds draw tags I have pulled, I have asked for and received a lot of intel via hunting forums or people met on forums, some intel useless, some helpful and nearly all well meaning. I have given that same info even more times than that. Give and take, what's the problem with guys sharing info via forums.

Boring rainy day...might as well bust on Cushman for sport.:p

You're so cute when you're giving me Yes, I do hunt in other states where there are draws involved. I think I might have it a bit different being retired with a girlfriend who is cool with me travelling, so I can drive to areas and look around. I wasn't busting on the guy, I was making a blanket statement. There are so many guys that come on here and other forums that don't participate or have anything to add to conversations or anything like that and just look for information with a first post, then when they get that information, you never hear from them again. To me, it's a kick in the balls for all the others who participate. And yes, I have helped out more than a few people on here in PM, even down to giving grid coordinates to a hunting area to one HTer. And usually when help is offered, I offer right back to show people around with areas and animals I know, or give passwords to my hunter's trailhead account for them to check draw odds. Nothing goes unthanked or unnoticed with me..

Now I'm bored with no race on a cold rainy day....bust away.. :D
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No worries Guy's, I kind of figured out the responses I would get beforehand. Khunter must be an old MM guy to have picked me out so quick. I would be more interested in your thoughts in general about 61. I've hunted it for cow elk blackpowder and 2nd rifle deer before. A general question I'd ask would be do you feel there are more elk in the southern end of the unit or north? The Wife is going on a girls only biking weekend June 7 so I figure to go pack into the Tabegauche and walk around that weekend since I've not been down in that hole before. We camp in the Mailbox a bit and I like to mosey about Frank's Bench for some fun sometimes. the coyote hunting is great...

I live in unit 41, and walk about a bit in 31 and used to hunt 53 a lot so I'd be happy to share some info about those units. I also crawl in and out of the NP section of the Black Canyon quite often, I'd trade fishing tales too since that section of the river is as good as it gets in Colorado.
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Ok, I've draw the tag, now may I have your honey hole? Just kidding, I'll be heading up there a lot in the next few weeks (it's only 40 minutes to the north end of 61) to verify my previous experiences. I'm real excited though.
Ok, I've draw the tag, now may I have your honey hole? Just kidding, I'll be heading up there a lot in the next few weeks (it's only 40 minutes to the north end of 61) to verify my previous experiences. I'm real excited though.

Congrats! It looks like my points are gone and I'm headed to 61 for the muzzleloader elk hunt.
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