Caribou Gear Tarp

Colorado Turkey?

Just my opinion but they will be in same general area year after year ...unless there is snow. Once the snow is melted away (usually by May) I have found them in the same general areas. They may not roost on the same roost every night but they are in the area unless pushed out by pressure. 1 other thing to look for is elk. Find the elk you will find turkeys

Wait is finally over, good luck out there this weekend everyone.
Hello there, I've been turkey hunting a few weekends here this season with no luck so far. I've hunted turkeys a lot in WI on ag fields, but hunting the merriams west of I-25 is a whole new ballgame for me. I've been in units 51 and 501 and have been able to get in and away from other hunters, but I haven't heard any gobbling yet. Still waiting on that first one of the season. Has anyone been hearing any gobbles up at the higher elevations? Also, curious to hear if anyone has any advice on what type of habitat I should be looking for? Do they hang out right around the water or can they be found away from water? Any help or advice would be much appreciated on hunting these western birds. Thanks.
No gobbling yet in unit 39 at 10-11k. Plenty of snow left over. Plenty of birds in lower elevations.
I'm new to Co turkey hunting, but last year taught me they seem to move through elevation zones as the spring progresses. Feast or Famine kind of stuff.
They are gobbling over on the far western slope, I managed to cut my tag on Saturday. I still haven't heard a peep out of the birds up in the mts, I had my eye on a group of 15 birds on Friday couldn't get them to respond to a call or move an inch off of a private agg field.
The best luck I've had on the front range is in areas with Ponderosa pines interspersed with small grassy meadows. They roost in those pines and strut/feed in the meadows and among the pine cones. As LukeTheDog alluded to, you're often very closely watching property lines.

I'll be trying my hand at roosting one for the OTC tag tonight.

The gobbling just recently picked up in SW Colorado where I'm at. We got into a mess of birds this weekend around 7,500'-8,000' in the ponderosa/oak. Similar to LuketheDog, we were staked out on a piece of public near some productive private, with our nearby spots being loaded up with hunters. Thankfully, we had this spot to ourselves.

We bossed a hen around until she got mad enough to come over, and a steady trickle of birds followed her angry yelping over the fence. We came close to a big bruiser, but settled for a smaller tom - it was girlfriend's first time coming on a turkey hunt, and we were able to bag a bird, so I can't complain! Good luck to everyone working those Colorado birds!

Just moved to Colorado Springs about three years ago and was able to start hunting last year. I was able to purchased an OTC License for spring turkey. You have plenty of public land in Colorado but your gonna have to do your research!! Using OnxHunt, Colorado Hunting Atlas and HuntScore, several weekends glassing and crow calling. All my research paid off as I was able to get my first turkey!!


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