Caribou Gear Tarp

Bugle Big For Bigger Bulls!

I've had an incredible opportunity to have been around such a variety of elk with huge bulls all the way down to spikes with a mix of 200 plus cows and calves. I have learned a ton about elk and the sounds they make (I don't totally understand all of them) but I have been able to try things that I normally wouldn't dare because I'd be afraid of blowing an opportunity. That was my main reason for advising on the decoy thread the way I did. I have been 50 yards multiple times for long periods of time while they have been doing this tending glug you call it. You can hear it from a long way away and in the timber it sounds awesome.
What I thought was interesting is that this footage was on around Sept.5. Many would consider this early and nothing really happening. Well as you can see he had a good group of cows with him and other herd bulls in the area were doing the same thing. The rut will last from the beginning of Sept. to Thanksgiving in that area. I believe it is do to the large number of cows and that their cycles are really all over the board. I would have to believe that a cow must of been in heat early that year with the way they were herded up and demonstrating rut activity like a normal 3rd week. Just my guess. Anyway thanks for your input.
Bart, on Sept 6th one year I had a 360ish bull on public land in to about 30 yards with no shot and he had a herd of about 25 cows... he was FIRED up as we basically did was elknut calls the threat by making it sound like we were a bull between him and one of his cows... Every year I am out I run into herd bulls with good groups of cows on opening weekend or within a few days... you are right...these bulls know cows are coming in from the end of August all through the month and some of them just cant stand they get everything herded up from the get go as to not miss an opportunity!
Hey no sweat! If decoys are working for you, then I'd stay with them, your area sounds like it warrants their use!

I can appreciate your learning desire & putting yourself in a position to experience all you can about elk & elk behavior! I've done the same with countless hours logged over the last 30 years or so. I love it & wouldn't have it any other way! (grin) Another interesting thing about us is with all the bulls we take 90% are done with bull sounds. Yet we live in an area where most anyone you talk to will tell you that all you will do is run the elk off if you do bugle them. It shows that ones must know what sounds to incorporate to up their odds & at the right time! We do use cow sounds & recommend them but we are very selective in their use with the "Estrus Buzz" leading the pack for us! I'd be surprised if you ever heard that one, hey, but I've been surprised before! (grin)

I agree that elk can & do start Rutting at the end of Aug & on through the next couple of months! The oldest cows will arrive towards Estrus 1st, these are the cows that are generally 8+ years old, there are much fewer of them that 2-8 year old ones. When these come in towards the end of the 2nd week in Sept & into the 3rd week it's referred to as Peak Rut when the majority of elk come into heat. I know you are aware of this.

It's referred to as the 2nd Rut Phase, aprox 21 days later a 3rd phase or cycle will hit in mid Oct, then a 4th cycle can hit in early Nov. these times are more probable than many think, these happen yearly! Anything after peak rut times is generally the cows that have cycled again because they did not conceive the 1st go around, these cows are few as in the 1st Rut Phase with the older cows, so it's right time & right place at these times!
Just some food for thought! (grin)

Don't know if I have heard what you call the Estrus Buzz but believe me when you get around that many elk you pretty much hear every sound an elk makes simply because of shear numbers. I've often wanted to take a audio recorder along with video cameras but then you sacrifice your hunt trying to get all that. I'd like to figure some other tactics regarding bugle techniques as cow calling can be great sometimes but others ineffective. One tactic we started using when the bugling and activity was slow was a rattle bag. It could be dead silent getting no responses and then you start rattling and breaking branches and they will answer and come looking. It's fun and I only wish the season lasted a little longer.
Hey Ernie, thank you for the welcome! We too look forward to our MT hunt, it's a 1st & should be a hoot! You gonna be in the Missoula area last week of Sept?

I just might bring the ole Sapphire Hawk on the hunt, it's one heck of a shooter you put together for me & I really enjoy shooting it!

Highmountain--I meant to comment on your post where you mentioned the reason you elk hunt with a bow, I couldn't agree more Sir! I've made that comment many times myself & it still holds true today! (grin)

Lawnboy, by the way what does your handle stand for? I agree it's good to go into the bag of tricks when the elk are fairly quiet, it's no time to head back to camp or home! Here's a clip of the Estrus Buzz!

I have a lawn care business and I guess I'm not real creative.

On that video clip it almost seemed more like she was lost or searching for something. Just curious what makes you think it was more of an estrus call rather than a lost or some other type of call? It is definitely unique. Thoughts?
Ahh, makes sense! I sorta figured something of the sort! Hope you don't still have a couple feet of snow on the ground like around here, that could put a damper on the buis!

Good catch on the phrase or name I've given it! For lack of a better name I call it the Estrus Buzz or Scream, In the PlayBook I put together it's under both names. Not trying to confuse ones but this sound has nothing to do with a Cow being in Estrus or Heat but I couldn't come up with anything better! (grin)

This cow (young one) is being drawn over to calling she heard in the distance, nearly a 1/2 mile away. As she gets closer & to the area she heard the calling/sounds she cannot locate the group so is asking them where they are! This is a sound used by all elk, it can be heard if there is a mild separation or just cannot find the group they heard or saw in the distance & now has arrived to the sighting spot or calling spot. A lost elk sound is different & it's meaning is one that they do not know where the elk are or a similar sound is used by all elk as a regrouping or regathering sound giving other elk direction to follow or come on over too!

These are awesome sounds worth all elk hunters consideration as they require assistance or aid either physically or by other elk responding vocally to it, they are used year around & would also be excellent for rifle hunting outside of rutting phases! In other words I use it for a Locator call as well as in blind/Cold calling setups! These are just some of the sounds & methods we use every year to separate ourselves from most all other hunters out there these days! Elk not need be vocal for them to come over your way when they are asked to do so by there own ranks!

This sound can be made mainly with a mouth diaphragm, bite & blow calls don't do well on this unique sound but a single reed latex call works awesome! If you can give a Lip Bawl Bugle then with a slight adjustment you can do as Estrus Buzz, it will take patience & practice but it's well worth the time & effort needed!

Ahh you had me with the Estrus part. It just didn't seem like the an estrus type call and she seemed to be looking for something. The bull probably wouldn't of been that far behind if she was begging for business time. Cool footage.

We just got a good snow storm today so ya my work is on hold.
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