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Being labeled a trophy hunter


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2016
Hey guys I'd like you opinion on this, if you wouldn't mind

So on the farm we hunt we have managed our deer population to abut 3:1 / 2:1 doe:buck ratio. Where as before it was rare to even see a buck in this area. Guys around here guys tend to shoot anything that is brown and with 4 legs. Now since October 1st we've already harvested 2 does for the freezer. I was at the archery shop getting some new arrows(i get bored and tend to shoot any grouse that happens to walk in front of me) when we started talking about herd management. I'm now labeled a "Trophy Hunter" because i'm holding out till a see a buck that is older then 4 years old. I like to let the young ones grow up. All the older guys claim its the "new generation" that cares about antler size, which is so far from the truth. I care about the quality of the deer herd. I dunno, I just hate being classified as something i'm not. Has anyone else had this issue from other hunters before?
Sure. They are not wrong to legally hunt for meat. They might like a young buck or a dry doe.

You prefer to manage herd quality. Unless you own a huge track of land, miles x miles size, then you are Don Quixote, my friend. You can not will your opinion that an older buck is more desirable than a young buck. Nor is there a buck/doe ratio that is the one true and righteous ratio.

Much as the person who drives 55mph in the fast lane of a freeway will not change opinions of other drivers on how to safely drive, hunters mostly like to go out and have a good time. For you, that would be a mature buck with above average antlers. For you neighbors, is meat in the freezer.

Find a really big chunk of land to buy or come to terms different horses make for a fine horse race.

As for trophy hunter, I equate that with seeking out a mature representative of the species I am hunting that is above average for where I am hunting. I hate horn porn and think it is why big critters are illegally taken and pregnant does and cows are hounded in the spring as shed antlers are sought. The does and cows become distressed and some lose the pregnancy. Greed, pure and simple.
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By their definition of "trophy hunter" you are! Problem is there is no standard definition. If you are legal and having fun, what does it matter that some folks at an archery shop call you. Put enough of those 4+yo bucks on the ground and see if their perception or attitudes change...
Your problem, is that you care!
Be legal, be ethical and stop caring.

This. Nothing wrong with being a trophy hunter, just like there's nothing wrong with being a meat hunter, or any where in between the two. Do what makes you happy and respect others for doing the same.
You label those guys, well, not an actual label, that they shoot anything that is brown and has 4 legs, and they labeled you. You're both right in your assessments. Both legal, just different goals.

The way I look at it, when someone buys my license and allows me to hunt their property, I'll shoot what they want me to. Until then, I'll shoot what I want within the law. And vise versa, I don't try to fret over what others shoot unless I'm covering their hunting costs.
Maybe you are a trophy hunter. What is a trophy to you? The last small buck I killed was limping badly. He had been shot in the leg by another hunter, so I finished him off. That was the point that I became committed to hunting mature bucks, because that is what excited me. Maybe any deer is a trophy to the guys you were talking to. As long as they are legal and safe, that's great. Nearly all of us are trophy hunters. When you put a big buck beside a small buck, most will shoot the big buck.
I jerk most of my deer so I cant really taste the difference between a dry doe and an old buck. That said, I like to hunt and would hate to limit myself by taking the first flathead to bumble by. I look for the biggest, baddest, horn producing monster I can. Sometimes it turns out to be a dink. I am happy with the animal or I wouldn't take it. Call me a trophy hunter. Call me immature. Call me whatever. Hunting makes me happy, titles and descriptions are not usually my thing. Wait for a big one if you like, shoot a dink if you druther. smile when they call you a trophy hunter, they hardly know you.
I'm not going to say much on the topic as others already have very poignantly, but how great is THIS forum that this tread didn't instantly turn into a meat vs antler battle. Well done all.
It doesn't mean squat! Just do your own thing and screw those who put labels on hunters.

btw...You're a trophy hunter........................kidding :D
Who cares? As long as your hunting legally, titles don't mean a thing. In his eyes your a trophy hunter, but maybe someone in Iowa might consider you a trophy hunter based on what you consider a trophy. I know some parts of my state they consider a 100" buck a trophy, but in Iowa thats far from a trophy. Its all subjective and to be honest everyone is a trophy hunter. To a meat hunter, the meat is the real trophy in the end of the day, so its all subjective really.
If they can't have the patience and self control to lay off the smaller ones like you do, thats on them and their choice, which is just fine if that is what they want to do! I wouldn't worry one bit what they think and like has been said they will be changing their attitudes real quick when you start shooting some big old bucks.
There is nothing wrong with being a trophy hunter or shooting young bucks. Most of the guys that say they are meat hunters are trophy hunters in disguise. They just consider all bucks trophies. That's why some will let several does walk by then shoot the first buck that comes along. I trophy hunt some properties and meat hunt others. If it's legal,safe and not breaking a club or landowner rule I say do whatever makes you happy. Don't try to force your practices on others and don't let them tell you your wrong
If your not worried if you get something or not wait for an older deer. If you just want one for the freezer shoot the first one you can. I must be trophy hunting also. It took 6 years to draw my tag and I passed up a 140ish mule deer Monday but I also have until the season ends to hunt and didn't want my hunt to end in one day.
Shoot what you want when you want
There's a really easy way to decide if you're a trophy hunter. What do you do with the antlers? A true meat hunter like me will leave them on the ground. Even though I hunt for mature bucks, bulls, and boars. I do it for the challenge of the hunt.

That doesn't mean I label hunters. Everybody is free to do as they please. It's just my own standard if someone trophy hunts. If you keep the antlers/head and mount it. That's the very definition of trophy hunting to me. It doesn't matter if you eat the meat or not.
Sometimes "Trophy Hunting" has a negative connotation. I don't agree that this should be the case at all. Now for sure, there are some out there that hunt unethically to procure a large set of antlers....but that is NOT trophy hunting to me. Trophy hunting is taking the older, mature male of a species. Ask any biologist what part of a species is best to remove and they will tell you it is the old males. They are surplus. You will not hurt the population of a species if you take the older males. If I am asked if I am a trophy hunter, I state (for whitetails) that I like to take the older males. Follow up conversation may have me ask if they would rather I shoot the females (possibly with fawns) and adolescent males?

There is also nothing wrong with enjoying both the antlers and the meat. The concept that the American Indian used all of an animal is met with staunch approval among most parties, but somehow if we use the antlers in addition to the meat, that is a bad thing?

The biggest thing for me and something we all need to cognizant of, is we cannot let pursuit of antlers cloud our judgment and lead to questionable actions.
I agree with using all the animal. One of my best friends is a full blooded Lakoka Indian. I take the meat from the animal, and he gets the rest. Well, he get's some of the meat too. He makes drums and sells them from the hides. He likes bear hides the best. He says they make the best drums. He does all kinds of stuff with antlers, hoofs, teeth etc.

He's a reall interesting guy to talk to. His great grandfather fought in the Litte Big Horn against Custer. He's a loyal friend and will back you up with his life. They have a differnt code than white men. They admire bravery and a good friend. We should all be that way.

Sorry, I got off topic.
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