NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Be careful where you plant your butt to glass!

I sat down to do my business in a porta-potty once and about 30 seconds later I look in the corner and see a black widow. At that point I was stuck so I just kept my eye on it the whole time I was in there.
I was sitting on a hill glasing some bucks back in September. It was chilly and raining at first light. I had been looking through the spotter in the same position for an hour or so when I cought movement in my camo pattern on my leg. I pulled away from the spotter to see a black widow going from my thigh under my rain jacket.
After taking a moment to gather my chickens I could see she had been drown out of a mouse hole I was sitting on and had found a warm dry spot to wait out the storm.
It was neer 0° Doing some coyote setups when I almost stepped on this guy last week.
Fortunately for me he was frozen sold. I thought about sneaking him into the back seat of my buddies truck in hopes of a well timed resurrection but thoughts of an Ill timed resurrection straightened me out.


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It was neer 0° Doing some coyote setups when I almost stepped on this guy last week.
Fortunately for me he was frozen sold. I thought about sneaking him into the back seat of my buddies truck in hopes of a well timed resurrection but thoughts of an Ill timed resurrection straightened me out.
That's wild! Yeah without knowing specific temp thresholds, I do know reptiles have remarkable capabilities when it comes to going dormant, shutting down their metabolism, and being able to wake back up. Usually this is done underground though, so he's probably dead. Still a risk haha
It was neer 0° Doing some coyote setups when I almost stepped on this guy last week.
Fortunately for me he was frozen sold. I thought about sneaking him into the back seat of my buddies truck in hopes of a well timed resurrection but thoughts of an Ill timed resurrection straightened me out.

Aw, he's cute...
Are you sure it was SW Montana and not SE Montana ? I hear SE Montana is loaded with them...
That's wild! Yeah without knowing specific temp thresholds, I do know reptiles have remarkable capabilities when it comes to going dormant, shutting down their metabolism, and being able to wake back up. Usually this is done underground though, so he's probably dead. Still a risk haha
I was thinking the same thing. My best guess was that a hard freeze of the water in cells would do irreversible damage. But I have yet to research it.
I wasn't about to put him in my pocket and find out.
You would be hard pressed to find a home around me that didn't have black widows under it. Everyone is pretty relaxed about it.
But if i told someone that they hade an infestation of rattlesnakes under their home they would freak out. To me they are one in the same. Ill take either over a skunk anyday.
We would get rattlers around the house at the old farm all of the time. Heck I got stung by a poisonous scorpion when I was a kid. I wasn't allowed to be barefoot after dark anymore. #Owyhee
Never understood the dislike for black widows. They are one of the most plentiful spiders we have around here. Any day in the summer I can go outside my house and round up at least five or six and quite often I don't even have to go outside to find one. Never have been a problem. Every now an again a cat or dog gets bit but hell, what doesn't kill 'em just makes them stronger. If I had a nickel for every time I told the grand kids to stop messing with the black widows this summer I would be rich. I don't really expect them to stop because I know messing with black widows was one of my favorite pastimes as a kid but at least it makes the wife think I am concerned.

One time I sat down in the woods to eat a sandwich with a yellow jacket nest less than a foot behind my back. Now if you want a really unpleasant experience with bugs, try doing that sometime. Then another time a coworker sat down on a grassy hillside to write down some notes. When he went to get up he place his hand on the ground less than a foot from a little 18 in. rattle snake. It was cold so the snake didn't even move but I never laughed so hard to see how fast a fat, one legged Arkie could jump and run.
My brother got bit by a black widow just above his eye when he put his hard-hat on at work. The whole side of his head and face swelled up something fierce. The doc put him on antibiotics because he said there is a good chance of getting an infection from the bite rather than the venom.
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