Be careful where you plant your butt to glass!

They bother me if they find their way into the house,then I hope my wolf spider buddy behind a picture near the front door gets

It's fall in NM & that means the tarantulas are on the move. Saw 3 yesterday around here. Rio sniffed at one,they decided to leave each other alone.

Got bit on the knee as a kid,found out it was a brown recluse. I was sick a couple days & had a swollen knee for a month,til dad drained it one day. Ever see puss pellets?
They bother me if they find their way into the house,then I hope my wolf spider buddy behind a picture near the front door gets

It's fall in NM & that means the tarantulas are on the move. Saw 3 yesterday around here. Rio sniffed at one,they decided to leave each other alone.

Got bit on the knee as a kid,found out it was a brown recluse. I was sick a couple days & had a swollen knee for a month,til dad drained it one day. Ever see puss pellets?

A guy I work with was bitten by a brown recluse (20 years ago). It nailed him just below the knee - he has a hole in his leg you could stick your little finger in and he's had numerous surgeries over the years (mostly skin grafts) and recently had the tendons on the toes on that leg cut because he was unable to straighten them out (they were permanently curled under).
I hate: spiders, snakes, yellow jackets, hornets and wasps (in no particular order).
It was neer 0° Doing some coyote setups when I almost stepped on this guy last week.
Fortunately for me he was frozen sold. I thought about sneaking him into the back seat of my buddies truck in hopes of a well timed resurrection but thoughts of an Ill timed resurrection straightened me out.
That's so cool I would've kept it... after putting a .22 through its head, just to be sure. :ROFLMAO:
She won't kill you but your gonna be really sick
Bern bit by a bw in SD and got bit here in Montana
By a, recluse
Never been that close to sitting on a black widow, but I've almost set up for a turkey in a fire ant nest before. Thankfully I realized it before sitting down. I'm so glad to be back across the habitat line for those devils now.
Think about how the itsy bitsy spider felt with him almost being sat on. Somewhere out there is a black widower spider now. My biggest freak out moment with widow was crawling in a crawl space in Idaho to insulate it and having dozens of them in the tight confines of that crawl space. No thanks!
Ask Tjones about his house when I built it. No one would work on it until it got sprayed. Thousands of those devils invaded his house during construction.
Think about how the itsy bitsy spider felt with him almost being sat on. Somewhere out there is a black widower spider now. My biggest freak out moment with widow was crawling in a crawl space in Idaho to insulate it and having dozens of them in the tight confines of that crawl space. No thanks!
So asking you to come change our furnace filter in our crawl space twice a year would be out of the question?
In the southwest, and maybe it applies elsewhere too, but if you are a construction worker, always, always, check the porta potty before planting your cheeks on the seat. While you're sitting always scan particularly reaching for tp. This has been a public service announcement.

You're welcome ;)
Years ago a friend and I were antelope hunting in eastern Montana. We headed in different directions from where I parked my car. I got back to my car late in the afternoon and my friend wasn't there, but I saw that he had come back and got my pack frame. So I figured he got a buck and I headed in the direction that he went to see if he needed help getting it back.

My friend also likes to collect rocks, and when we met a few hundred yards from my car, I could see that he was carrying basket ball size piece of petrified wood and had another one strapped on my pack frame. He was obviously tired and when I offered to take the one that he was carrying, he said "Thanks, I have to sit down." As he started to sit down I yelled at him "Not there!", but the heavy packframe pushed him down right in the middle of a prickly pear cactus.

I was able to pull the larger thorns out with my Leatherman, but for several weeks, every time he sat down he was reminded of that cactus patch.
I don't care too much about the poisonous spiders. I save freak out moments when walking in the woods before cold weather comes and walk into the sticky paracord web of a banana spider. For the next 5 mintues you're swatting your face trying to not eat it. Only after the storm passes you finally feel it crawling off you hat and either down your face or the back of your neck. Hit the panic button.
Can deal with spiders, don’t mind snakes at all, but you can run me out of the country with a hornet nest. Got pounded by bald faced hornets as a kid setting chokers and that is definitely my kryptonite!
I hear they like to hide under toilet seats ....

We had an outhouse at our hunting camp. It was your traditional wooden outhouse that stayed up all year. After a few years some of the wood needed replaced and when we tore it down to build the new one there were tons of spiders, black widows included, in the compartment under the seat. My brother now refuses to use it every fall until it has been bombed.
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